Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 52

you’ve been around the best of the best, you’ve been doing this for so many years and you’ve had a tremendous amount of success. And you can always kind of tell the guys who are reaching for it. I don’t want to be that person, I’m already approved, I’m already accepted, so what more do I need? I need to encourage others, and I can only do that if I really have self worth for myself. [WM] I was drawn to your heading, “Awkward is a gift”. I awkwardly want to know about this… [Chad] Why are we trying to be like everybody else? One of the great things about God is He looks at Abraham and says, “I will bless you, and you will be a blessing.” In other words what He’s saying is, I didn’t make you one way to use you another way. The blessing is on you and who you are. It’s kind of why the Christian horoscope has gone crazy, the Enneagram has gone crazy, because people at the end of the day, whether they’re a One or a Three or a Five or a Seven, whatever they are they want to be comfortable and they want someone to give them a pass that they don’t have to change. Life is about getting comfortable in your own skin, discovering your unique gift, and playing that role to the best of your ability. So if you’re awkward, God made you in a specific way and we need you, it’s called the Body of Christ. By itself a hand might look weird, or an eye or an ear, but we need every part of the body, every function, every single piece and portion of the body, so it is a gift not a curse. [WM] From the worship leader’s viewpoint, how do we become “follow-able”? [Chad] I think the first thing that we need to do, is we need to understand that we are followers. I follow the real hero, I follow the big guy. I’m not the big guy, I am not the leader, there in another master. Worship leading is pointing people to somebody else. Worship leading is not getting people to praise me, but getting people to praise God. I always think that with the best worship leaders I’ve ever seen, you kind of forget that they’re leading. You can tell that they don’t want the glory, they are the lead worshipper, not the worship leader. In order to be follow-able I’ve got to give people the authentic impression that I’m not into myself, I’m actually about somebody else. [WM] When it comes to opinions – the problem is that everyone has one. How do worship team leaders balance the power of opinions? [Chad] The thing about opinions is that they’re great, they just never change anyone. I’ve never heard that, “so-and-so’s opinion of me changed my life!” Shame, guilt, condemnation, that doesn’t change anyone, love changes people. It’s His kindness that leads me to change. I think my opinion in church, especially with worship leaders, is that my opinion doesn’t matter unless I’m talking with someone who can do something with my opinion. So if I have an opinion about the song list, or if I 52 September 2020 Subscribe for Free...