Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 34

a magnificently orchestrated arrangement composed by Bernie. What can you tell us about the song and the musical beauty of this recording? Didn’t you record that in London, England? [Natalie] We did, and boy I’m glad we did it last year because we wouldn’t be going right now! (due to the virus) When we set out to make this record, this is my tenth record, and anyone who’s been following me for any length of time know that I don’t create quickly, I’ve never been somebody who can just turn out music. I marvel at people who put something out every twelve or eighteen months. I’m just not a quick creative, I usually have to fail at some things, fall down, let His grace pick me up, and then write songs about it (laughs). So that requires time to live some life. In 2017 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and told I may never sing again, so I just had a lot going on in my life the last few years. The last time I put out music was in 2015, so this is the longest I’ve ever gone in-between recordings. When we went to write this new piece, I didn’t want to just write another song or record another record. And it wasn’t about reinventing or doing something different. It was about these last five years. My husband and I have become a part of a church of Nashville that’s transformed our lives and transformed its families. I’m so locked in love with so many at the church, not just singing songs for the church but actually serving the church and leading worship, and being involved in the community, and that’s really where a lot of these songs were birthed from. God just really re-awakened something in my life that I didn’t even know had fallen asleep, and that’s just the love of His presence. So I went to my husband, who has been producing my records for a long time, and I said, if there were no rules, and if you didn’t need to have an up-tempo and a mid-tempo song, and if you didn’t need to have a certain kind of song because it’s what works for radio; if there were no rules, what would you do? If you just said, “Holy Spirit, lead me”, what would He be speaking to you to do? So really, I feel like this record is as much my husband’s as it is mine. He said, “We’ll go to London, and we will record with the London Symphony, and I want the sound of what I think the sound of Heaven will be. I want to try to bring that sound to earth.” And that’s really where it came from, so much of the record is fully orchestrated. We recorded a ton live in London with the actual orchestra at the same time, which was even different for them. The symphony who recorded Harry Potter and all of these soundtracks said, “We never get to do this with a singer live in the room”, and something really magnificent happened. We were in this recording studio called AIR Lyndhurst, which used to be a church, and George Martin of The Beatles bought it, and we literally recorded in the sanctuary with 34 September 2020 Subscribe for Free...