Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 3
Besides your friendly publisher of [WM], I am
also a live event producer and this COVID virus
has not only affected the entire touring world
of musicians/artists, it has also shut down
live events like conventions, conferences and
festivals. Personally, we have had to cancel
the Christian Musician Summit conference (it
would have been our 18 th year here in the Great
Northwest), my Tacoma Guitar & Drum Festival
at the Tacoma Dome and my Seattle-Tacoma
Guitar Show. Rats!
Now the consequences have reached further
as the annual pilgrimage to Anaheim, CA
in January for the Winter NAMM Show has
been postponed. Say it isn’t so! This would
have been my 40 th anniversary of attending
this huge meeting of the musical instrument
manufacturers. Over 115,000 people visit
this four-day event with over 2,000 exhibitors
displaying every musical instrument, recording,
pro audio and lighting piece of gear that you
can imagine. Before the postponement I have
been teasing the leadership of NAMM with the
suggestion that they should give me a NAMM
watch to wear, as it is my 40 th year… similar
to what companies give to their retirees. But I
am definitely not retiring from attending NAMM
shows. Both the Summer NAMM in Nashville
and the Winter NAMM in Orange County are
the highlights of our publications year!
I asked our good friend Wayne Yuan /
Marketing Manager for NAMM (and a wonderful
ambassador to our worship community at
NAMM) to fill us in on the new plans…
“We're excited to launch Believe in Music
Week, a new platform for house of worship
professionals to connect with brands, get
inspired with new ideas, and experience live
concerts and performances. While it does not
replace The NAMM Show, this digital event will
highlight some of the best education and events
from the show. To be notified when registration
opens, we invite you to visit believeinmusic.tv.”
Thank you Wayne!
So, even though we can’t gather as hoped for
(and my new watch may not be here quite yet)
it is more of a “delayed but not denied” scenario
– as the NAMM Shows will return in the future.
But in the meantime, don’t miss what NAMM
is offering to our worship musician community
with these interactive digital options. [WM] will
be deeply involved in them… and we encourage
you to be as well.
Be a part of it!
Bruce & Judy
The Cast
Publisher + Editor: Bruce Adolph
Vice President: Judy Adolph
Editorial + Ad Director: Doug Doppler
Associate Editor: Michael Hodge
Social Media Director: Lance Seymour
Transcription Editor: Shelley Cush
Ad Sales Manager: Andrew Adolph
Ad Acct Exec:
Steve Sattler
Higher Ed Acct Exec: Alex MacDougall
Production Manager: Mike Adolph
Layout + Design: Matt Kees
Customer Experience: Brian Felix
©2020 Worship Musician published by Adolph Agency, Inc.
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AAI Office: 253-445-1973
September 2020
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