Worship Musician Magazine October 2024 | Page 63

beat 2 , for example , my drummer may use the kick to follow that groove . The more useful strumming patterns I have at my disposal , the more ideas I can offer my drummer . Conversely , if I only know a few strumming patterns , I could be limiting myself and my drummer to the same small collection of grooves , and I might even use a strumming pattern that doesn ’ t actually work well with the song we ’ re playing .
Several past article / video offerings of mine in Worship Musician Magazine provide strumming insights , including June 2022 in Worship Musician Magazine , “ Strumming : Sloppy or Skillful .” So , expand your rhythm palette so you can provide some great ideas for your drummer to work with .
4 . PLAY WITH SOUL . This is a very subjective concept , but go here with me . If I ’ m playing metrically accurately , but there ’ s no feeling in what I ’ m doing , the drummer will clue into this . It ’ s not just about the notes – it ’ s about the music . If I bring a tasteful groove as I play , with dynamic variation , perhaps even shuffling or swinging if appropriate , the soul factor can be much more evident . See the video for a demonstration , and check out my
June 2023 article / video “ Procrastinators Unite : How to Shuffle as you Strum .”
5 . DEVELOP YOUR AWARENESS . If we aren ’ t aware of our surroundings , we miss out on the visual or even auditory information that could help us serve our drummer well . Part of what helps us in this area is to be less visually dependent on the music stand . We of course need to be aware of the song , the printed information on the chart , and what is being asked of us , but beyond this , we need to know what the band , specifically the drummer , is doing , so we can respond accordingly .
6 . BE MUSICALLY TRUSTWORTHY . Musical trust is an important but delicate thing . Trust needs to be earned , in my opinion . Some musicians don ’ t come prepared . Some make consistent errors even when we ’ ve taken time to go over sections a few times . Some don ’ t write things down in their music . These kinds of things will shake my confidence a bit .
A trustworthy musician is someone who is prepared , consistent , reliable , and does what they say they ’ re going to do . They are predictable in the right places . And if I want to attract trustworthy musicians , including drummers , it ’ s good to lead by example .
When there is trust , we can all get to making music , because we ’ re not concerned about the other musician skipping sections of the song or getting off track . It ’ s a beautiful thing to have people trust you musically .
Remember … there ’ s a bonus thought in the video that accompanies this article . Please check it out – it will make you think and might make you smile .
So , try some of these tips out the next time you collaborate with your drummer , and let me know how it goes . There are other musicians in your band that you can serve well as you collaborate with them . And when you do , they ’ ll give you even more of their best playing .
© GuitarSuccess4U . All rights reserved .
David Harsh David Harsh is a nationally touring worship leader , songwriter and performing artist . He is passionate about equipping guitarists to discover their potential . Learn more and join now at www . GuitarSuccess4U . com October 2024 Subscribe for Free ... 63