Doug Doppler with Andrés Castro & Javier Serrano and I want to just bless somebody with it . One of the guys that Andrés knows gave him his Gretsch guitar so that we can give away at the camp . And while we were there , we had one of our own guys , one of the old camp retreats , one of the attendees give away his $ 500 drive pedal . We had a pedalboard company called V Boutique as well .
[ Doug ] Andrés , you are an accomplished guitar tech , and you did a section on guitar maintenance and all of that . Is that something you do every year , and does it change a little bit from camp to camp ?
[ Andrés ] I try to change the topics because we have new people , and we have people that have come to all the camps as well . So , I don ’ t want to give them the same information every year . I always think of what I can give them that can be different but useful to know … about the construction of the guitar , or maybe how can they clean your guitar in the correct way ? Which things they can do on their own and when they need to go with an expert ? I try to give them different tools every year because I don ’ t want to give the same information to the same people .
[ Doug ] While I loved the intimacy of the camp , it would also be great to reach even more people . What would you like to see happen as you look to the future ?
[ Andrés ] I feel the same way . I think it could be a huge thing in Latin America . There , the people need help . The people get stuck , and they feel stuck . They want to grow , they don ’ t know how to do it , they don ’ t know what the next step is . So , we really have the big dream to do this in Latin America so we can help people to get the next step and to continue to grow .
[ Chris ] I would like to see this camp not only happen in Houston , but in different parts of the U . S ., and on top of that , I ’ d like to see the camp go into Latin America to offer these types of experiences for people who can ’ t even get a visa to come to the U . S . People who are never going to have these kinds of opportunities to meet these people , and to experience the special moments . I wouldn ’ t change what we ’ re doing . I would just like to do it more often in different locations .
[ Doug ] Thanks again for having me along guys , it was an amazing time !
For more information about the CR Guitar Experience , please visit ChrisRochaGuitar . com ,
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