different Protestant Christian denominations and the differences between them , the YouTube video on this page will help .
There are some immovable , undeniable , core tenants of being a disciple - a follower - of Jesus the Christ . But for me , these are very few and are well summarized in the Nicene Creed that dates back to the 3rd century .
From my perspective , on a deeper level , the wonderful diversity within the Christian Church can actually be a strength - not a weakness . Have you seen a mosaic that takes many small , broken pieces of different colored tiles and brings them all together to make one , larger , beautiful work of art ? Maybe each different denomination - broken , rough around the edges , but with particular strengths - is like a piece of the mosaic . It ’ s only when we are all brought together that we get a more complete picture of who God truly is .
“ That is what our life in community is about . Each of us is like a little stone , but together we reveal the face of God to the world . Nobody can say : ‘ I make God visible .’ But others who see us together can say : ‘ They make God visible .’ Community is where humility and glory touch .” ~ Henri Nouwen
“ All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes ”
divisions between us make it impossible to be truly united . This is why there are so many different Protestant denominations . Why churches split . Why there are often significant differences in belief and practice from one congregation to another even if they technically belong to the same denomination . There are often serious disagreements within a single congregation !
This has consequences for those of us who lead worship through singing ! Be aware that today ( unlike in the past ) many people tend not to identify strongly as a particular denomination . And people switch churches . Often ! They may have a history with one or more different denomination / flavors / styles , but now they ’ re part of your congregation with your particular denominational / flavor / style preference . There will be differences . And that ’ s okay . present them in a way that helps that particular group of people sing together as an expression of worship despite the differences ! That might require one set of choices when you ’ re in front of your home congregation , but another set when you ’ re leading for a combined churches event or visiting another church .
In can be difficult to achieve . It may require us to intentionally set aside some of our own personal comfort for how we would prefer to worship God through songs . I ought not be trying to force the congregation to worship God through songs the way I want them to , or even think they should . I ought not think that they ’ re deficient in some way if they don ’ t .
Don ’ t try to push bricks up a hill !
I learned some years ago that - when I am given the opportunity to lead a group of people to worship God through songs - I should focus on inviting that particular group of people to sing together . Sing songs that are prayers to God , praises of God and reminders of God ’ s truth . I can ’ t change the heart of another person . Only God can do that . I can get them singing . And if we ’ re all singing , it seems to me that God does the rest . And maybe , just maybe , we become a little more as one .
But unfortunately , to many people , the differences are way bigger than that . The
Know your context . Know your people . We need to read the room . Pick songs and then
Grant Norsworthy founder of MoreThanMusicMentor . com
MoreThanMusicMentor . com
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