Today ’ s strategy will be super helpful in showing you key locations on the fretboard that you can use as marker points on your way to mentally owning your guitar .
If you ’ ve experienced previous sample lessons of mine , you know that I ’ ve highlighted natural notes on my fretboard maps , and today is no exception .
Have a look at the diagram I ’ m providing here .
Up and down the fretboard , we have a “ boxed set ” of four notes . These notes are B and C , and E and F .
I ’ ve made all the Bs pink , all the Cs orange , all the Es green , and all the Fs blue . On my diagram , you ’ ll see all 6 of the pink Bs , all 6 of the orange Cs , all 6 of the green Es , and all 6 of the blue Fs .
But there are only four situations inside our frontier here where the four notes are all grouped together on consecutive strings on the same two frets , so I ’ ve grouped them into four nice little boxes , which I ’ m calling “ sweet boxes .”
Memorizing the fretboard can be a confusing , frustrating process . But it doesn ’ t have to be . In fact , it can sometimes be sweet .
Speaking of sweet , my wife really enjoys chocolate . Now , if I was a really generous and thoughtful husband and I wanted to dote on my wife extravagantly , I could – Buy Chocolates Each Friday .
Hold onto those four words for a moment .
I have a tactic that could be really helpful to you as you endeavor to tackle certain specific locations on the fretboard .
Let ’ s use the mnemonic device from earlier – Buy Chocolates Each Friday , to help us as we go from the lowest to the highest strings , playing the notes B & C , and E & F on juxtaposed strings at the same frets .
We can reference each red box that encapsulates these four notes .
We can first go from the lowest strings to the highest strings . We ’ ll start on strings 6 and 5 at frets 7 and 8 as we “ Buy Chocolates Each Friday .”
Next , we can move to strings 5 and 4 at frets 2 and 3 , as we “ Buy Chocolates Each Friday .”