[ WM ] Your life as a professional musician has had its share of challenges too . Especially health wise . Tell us about that and how your walk with the Lord has taken you through this season ?
[ Daniel ] In middle school I had a pretty serious stomach flu . I thought I would get over it in a few days , but weeks had gone by and I was very nauseas and losing weight fast . A month went by and I weighed 93 pounds still feeling
sick . I went to serval doctors and specialist not getting a straight answer to what was going on . This went on all the way through high school
Live Like That and even in my first four years touring with Sidewalk .
In the beginning I stayed home a lot and didn ’ t eat out . I was home schooled off and on . I thought my dreams of being a touring guitarist was over . Any time I would eat out , I would get sick and be in bed at home for several days . Not ideal for touring in a band .
When the opportunity came with Sidewalk