Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 46

This new year has flown by and now Christmas is around the corner , can you believe it ? As we get ready to spend time with family and friends , we also want you and your team to be as ready as you possibly can for your special Christmas services this holiday season . These services are unique in many ways but primarily , they are the services that receive the most visitors . These guests come from many places , backgrounds , and lifestyles , and we have the amazing opportunity as the church to present the gospel to them , to some for the very first time . This is why preparation matters . It is not to create a show and have an amazing “ performance ”. It ’ s because to some , this will be the first time they get to experience the presence of God . To others , this is their homecoming . So as a worship team , preparation sets us up to fulfill our responsibility of creating a space free of distractions so that God ’ s presence can be the focal point during our worship experience .
So , whether your church has been able to fully re-open or part of your team is still out due to limited staff , our team at MultiTracks . com has made sure to create resources to serve your team in the best way . From getting your team ready with accurate charts and rehearsal mixes , to making sure your tracks are ready to go so your MD and Production Director are on the same page , The Connected Stage is here to help !
What if I told you , you could set up your whole team for success in under 10 minutes ? The Connected Stage allows you to create and send your setlist to your whole team by connecting our powerful apps and production cues with the amazing content of your favorite worship leaders to help your team prepare at home , compliment your live sound , and make sure your lyrics and lights are right on cue synced with your tracks … so you can focus on what really matters .
Nothing is worse than showing up to rehearsal with the wrong charts . Get your team on the same page from the very start with accurate charts in ChartBuilder . Build your setlist ahead of time , add your team members and save it to the cloud . Your team will receive a notification letting them know they ’ ve received access and can now enter ChartBuilder , our dynamic chart app , and access the charts and rehearsal mixes to begin preparing at home .
Once you save your setlist , not only are your musicians notified but also anyone else you add to that setlist ! This means that by adding your MD and your Production Director to the setlist
you ’ ll be sending them access to download the tracks on Playback so they can begin preparing the arrangements , mixes , and keys in Playback with ample prep time and your Production Director can begin adding MIDI Cues to cue in your lyrics and lights automatically as the track plays .
Our team understands that as worship leaders , we need the flexibility to make changes at all times , so whether you need to change song keys , remove a chorus from the arrangement , or edit lyric cues , just save it to the cloud and all changes will be reflected on ChartBuilder and Playback for your team so everyone stays on the same page .
Remember , it ’ s not about putting on a show , it ’ s about bringing our best to the table and letting God do what only He can do . Being prepared provides you with the confidence and freedom you and your team need to lead worship well . So , let the Connected Stage take care of the technology side so that you can focus on what truly matters and be in the moment .
For more information on how to get started with The Connected Stage , visit multitracks . com .
Christy Colmenares Resides in Austin , TX and forms part of the MultiTracks . com team as the Brand Manager for MultiTracks . com ’ s Latin American branch , Secuencias . com .
Secuencias . com
46 October 2021 Subscribe for Free ...