Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 43

Sometimes it ’ s hard to have peace when so much of what you have counted on is compromised . While some are mildly affected by this pandemic , some are devastated . This is not just a problem for Creatives , it ’ s a problem for everyone .
COVID-19 and all its variants are worrisome enough , but the relentless news articles and angry polarization regarding get the jab or don ’ t get the jab is sometimes too much . With so much active soapbox rhetoric on every side of that argument we desperately need a break . Yet the question still remains … who can we believe ?
The Word tells us “ from the abundance of the heart , the mouth ( or pen ) speaks ”. So … we got the elephant out of the room early . Regarding the closing question in the last paragraph , “ Who can we believe ?” the answer is the same for any important decision we need to make . Do the research and ask the Holy Spirit which way you should go . Follow His lead and move on .
In the spirit of moving on let ’ s look at the affect Covid-19 has had of your lives both financially and emotionally . For the working musician your gigs have been greatly affected and for some have even come to a complete stop . From the larger events to church events to small coffee houses and everything in between there have been cancellations and total shutdowns . Many places that were part of your livelihood have been forced out of business . Things happened that were totally unthinkable before this pandemic .
Some creatives could turn on a dime and reinvent themselves without much difficulty , but others were so devasted both financially and emotionally that their lives , along with their careers , came to a screeching halt .
Emotionally we have experienced isolation like never before . Mask mandates , work from home and Zoom meetings have left us missing our normal people connection and longing for Covid to just go away . While we had a brief pause it soon came back again .
The stark reality is , sometimes things come to pass and other times things come to stay . Not exactly sure where we are with Covid but either way we have to navigate through our new normal whether temporary or longer .
There ’ s so much we can ’ t do when something like this is out of our control but also there ’ s so much we can do when Covid-19 has become more than just a fleeting part of our lives .
I may be stating the obvious here , but every God promise is worth hearing again . Let His word get into you to help navigate this crazy situation and put you in a better frame of mind .
First remember who God says you are ; His child , the apple of His eye , His co-laborer . You are redeemed , forgiven , a saint … and so much more ! Refresh yourself on this daily – Lord knows , Covid ’ s given you some extra time .
Remember also that your gifts are irrevocable . Whether you have your usual outlets to play , sing and showcase your songs you are still a musician , singer and songwriter gifted by God . Play and sing your music to Him , your family and whoever else is around .
If you have to stay home more than you would like , redeem the time with your family , watch a movie , play board games , laugh , have fun and just be together . You could also get a head start on your taxes … or not !
Believe this , there will be time in your future , hopefully sooner rather than later , when you can say “ Covid allowed me to _______” ( fill in the blank .) Although there has been unthinkable tragedy that shattered many lives , if you look hard enough you may find a silver lining that actually made your life better .
A life affected , yes . A new isolation , yes . Covid-19 has brought us more than just physical symptoms . Our emotions have been wracked , our livelihoods threatened , loved ones have died , Covid long haulers are still suffering and we all have experienced a pandemic we would have never dreamed possible .
What now in addition to what ’ s already been said ? Possibly this , a prayer that has comforted the world since the 1930 ’ s written by American theologian , Reinhold Niebuhr , commonly known as the Serenity Prayer . As the last song you heard stays long in your heart , let ’ s let these words comfort us as we continue to walk with hope through these Covid years .
“ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , courage to change the things I can , and the wisdom to know the difference , living one day at a time ; enjoying one moment at a time ; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it ; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will ; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next .” Amen .
Rick Cua Rick Cua is about to celebrate 40 years in Contemporary Christian music through his recordings and live dates , both solo and with Blues Counsel . Rick continues forward with music , his new book “ What Are You Known For ” and current role as Pastoral Care Pastor at Grace Chapel , in Franklin , TN where he and Diana live . Rick & Diana have been married for 51 years and have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren .
October 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 43