Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 29

fans and just people in general more than ever before . That ' s a beautiful thing . My hope is that we don ' t lose the true connection with people .
[ WM ] And now a couple of fun questions . Being a left hander , has it been hard for you to find guitars over the years ? What is your ‘ go-to ’ acoustic ?
[ Mac ] Yeah , well my go-to is definitely a Martin . I love playing Martin guitars . And I say that , not only because I ' m sponsored by them , but that ' s what … if I ' m going to go buy something … that ' s what I would buy . They ' re beautiful and great sounding guitars . That being said , I ' m not a great guitarist . I definitely just play enough chords to be able to write to and to get by . But yes , much more difficult finding , it ' s a right-hander ' s world by far . I mean , a lefty is a blessing and a curse . The blessing is no one else can play my guitar . The curse is I can ' t play anybody else ' s guitar .
[ WM ] If you owned a food truck , where would you park it and what would you serve ?
[ Mac ] That ' s a great question . Where would I park it ? I would park it , well , if I had a food truck , I ' d probably want to be busy , but not too busy . I ' d probably park it at a park somewhere that has a lot of people , but somewhere where there ' s like a nice little lake or pond and kids are running around and families are playing on playgrounds together with an open field . So , wherever that would be . Not in the city , but somewhere , maybe in the suburbs that has people but it ' s not too busy .
And I would either have a Waffle House food truck because I love the Waffle House , or maybe just simple burgers and fries . When it comes to food , I ' m kind of a normal meat and potatoes kind of guy , so probably just a burger truck .
[ WM ] In closing , what mark upon this world do you hope to leave ?
[ Mac ] Wow . That ' s a deep one . It ' s not important for me to be remembered , but I hope that if anyone heard my music or saw me in concert , that it helped them take a step closer to Jesus . And so , I would really have no problem at all if 20 years from now , 30 years from now , 50 years from now , whatever it be , in the near or distant future that someone said , " Man , I really love Jesus , and there was a song that brought me closer to him . I don ' t even remember who the artist was , but there was something about that song , or something about that guy that I saw in concert . I don ' t even remember his name , yet it really encouraged me to grow closer to Jesus ." So that ' s what I would hope .
[ WM ] That ' s a great answer ! Well , listen , thank you so much . You ' ve been very gracious with your time . Thanks for today . I really appreciate it .
[ Mac ] Oh man , it ' s my pleasure . You asked some great questions , and I ’ ve often said that interviews are like therapy for me , so thank you for the session . Send me a bill later . ( laughs ) October 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 29