tried a few times in the past to write around this theme of “ First Love ” but each time I would pick it back up to finish writing it , I felt like it just wasn ’ t there yet . In February , I was writing with Austin Davis , Elyssa Smith and Steffany Gretzinger and just felt strongly that morning to continue writing about going back to and remembering our first love , Jesus . This song comes out of Revelation 2 where it talks about how we have forsaken or forgotten about our first love . I just wanted to echo this reminder of always going back to where you first fell in love with Jesus and fell in love with His presence . “ Embers ” is a spontaneous moment that flows out of the song “ First Love ”. It is heart cry for our love for God and for the church to be reignited and continue to burn for Him .
[ WM ] You ’ ve been prolific on this project , writing or co-writing almost all of its songs . But “ Obsession ” is an older composition . You reached back to 1995 for this Martin Smith / Delirious ? classic . How did this come about as part of the recording ?
[ Kari ] This classic worship song changed my life when I first started leading worship in the 90 ’ s . Martin Smith and Delirious ! were some of the ones changing the sound of worship music . As we were sitting and flowing in the presence of God during “ First Love ”, this song just kept echoing in my heart , and so we just started singing it and it turned out to be a part of the record !
[ WM ] And I must say the synth programing is spectacular on this project ! Do you have a shout out for someone on that ?
[ Kari ] Oh yes ! We can ’ t forget the synth .
Your Nature
We have a great friend who has been a part of our family for a while now and his name is McKendree Tucker . He is amazing !
[ WM ] As I mentioned , you have been prolific in your writing on this project . What scriptures or inspiration were pivotal to you in the crafting of these songs ?
[ Kari ] That means so much to me . There ’ s a lot of inspiration that came from Revelation 2-5 , Numbers 6 , Isaiah 41 and 54 , and Deuteronomy 11 .
The theme that I ’ ve really carried in my heart for this album has been encounter . It ’ s my prayer that everyone that experiences these songs would have a powerful encounter with His love and presence .
[ WM ] I have to ask you about the song entitled , “ Your Nature ”. What a marvelous song ! I was immediately transported into a place of worship when I first heard it . I was undone . Tell us about this song .