create the worship experience . singing on the worship team ?” watch amazing kingdom work happen .
Be on the lookout for how you can best utilize people ’ s gifts and get them plugged in within your church . Identify people ’ s strengths , passions , and talent . Take those attributes and make a connection point with an area of ministry within your church .
Your story could go something like this , “ Hey Steve , it seems like helping with announcements isn ’ t a good fit for you , but we have seen your amazing graphic design work . Would you be interested in helping create visuals for Sunday ?” Or , “ Hey Bob , you have such an energetic personality and you connect so well with others ; we ’ re wondering if you would consider serving on our hospitality and greeter team , instead of
When people are living in the unique ways God has made them , their lives and your church body can be living out true life of worship . Then , you can stand back and watch amazing kingdom work . Would you be interested in helping create visuals for Sunday ?” Or , “ Hey Bob , you have such an energetic personality and you connect so well with others ; we ’ re wondering if you would consider serving on our hospitality and greeter team , instead of singing on the worship team ?”
When people are living in the unique ways God has made them , their lives and your church body can be living out a true life of worship . Then , you can stand back and
ACTION : Search through your circle of influence , the people with whom you come in contact . Look for people who might feel invisible or misplaced . Find an area where they could serve authentically and find fulfillment . Plug them in and speak intentional words of encouragement to them . And if that means moving them from the pulpit to the paintbrush , then so be it .
Doug Hood Author , business owner , musician , worship leader , husband , and father . He serves as worship pastor for Central Ministries and President of CSD Group , Inc . When he is not on the road , he enjoys time at home in Fort Wayne , IN with his wife , five kids , four grandchildren , one giant dog , one tiny dog , and an undisclosed amount of cats . lead better worship .
the beauty of worship is not found in the music itself or that people leave impressed by the talent of the band , but by the glory of god himself . That ’ s a unicorn worth chasing . worshipunicorn . com