Worship Musician Magazine October 2020 | Page 40

We sometimes find ourselves wondering about the status of our voices . There are times when we may feel that we just aren ’ t singing up to our usual standard and that can cause concern . In today ’ s article I want to give you a sort of check list to help you determine what the causes might be for what you are experiencing .
Typically , there are things that you can count on in your voice . Your range , tone quality , power , breath control and vibrato are things you ’ ve come to expect in your vocal “ identity ”. When any of these changes , it ’ s good to assess why . It might be something as simple as a late night with lots of talking that has affected your voice the next morning . It could be that you were unable to keep your regular vocal routine for some reason . Perhaps you haven ’ t sung in a while . When these types of circumstances happen , it ’ s comforting to realize that they are temporary circumstances and can be easily remedied . The effect these circumstances have had are most likely very temporary . But what about other circumstances , perhaps ones out of your control ?
CHANGES IN THE WEATHER Weather , air pressure , humidity , allergens , ozone , etc ., can all have an effect on your voice . If you have recently moved you may find that you are dealing with a completely new set of circumstances and may need to make some adjustments if possible .
CHANGES AT WORK What you do for your day job can have a huge impact on your voice . You may work in an environment that is very dry . Staying hydrated in one of the most important things you can do to keep your voice ( and the rest of your body !) healthy . Make sure you find a way to keep the air you breathe very moist and always try to breathe through your nose . How much you use your voice at work can make an impact on your voice . Are you finding that recently you are talking a lot more for your job ? If you do talk a great deal for work , especially if its on the phone or over a computer , make sure that you are speaking in a healthy manner . This will include good tone placement , proper breath support and varying the pitch of your voice frequently .
CHANGES IN YOUR HEALTH Have you had any changes in your health that might affect your vocal cords ? Are there any meds you are taking that could be causing you issues vocally ?
The good news is that often the problems are simply circumstantial and can be fixed .
PHYSICAL CONDITION What kind of shape are you in ? If you are noticing that you can ’ t hold phrases the way you once did you might want to take a look at your overall physical condition to see if this might be affecting your vocal strength and stamina .
YOUR SINGING ROUTINE Has anything changed in your overall singing routine ? Have you been singing a lot more or less than you used to ? Are you warming up and vocalizing the way you always have or is something different ?
These are some of the questions I ask my clients when they have concerns about their voice . Certain things will be affected by some things and other things may be affected by something else . With a thorough look at lifestyle and any recent changes , I can often figure out where the problem lies . The good news is that often the problems are simply circumstantial and can be fixed . When the circumstance can ’ t be changed , we have to find some way to work through or around the situation . Sometimes it ’ s simply a matter of being out of practice that affects us the most . You have to remember that your vocal cords are muscles . When you don ’ t use them , they begin to atrophy . You will lose muscle strength , flexibility , tone and can affect your voice in various ways . If you haven ’ t used your voice in weeks , months or even years , you may have to work a little harder to regain the skill you previously had .
The quality of your voice is something that shouldn ’ t change much with regular usage . You should get better tone quality with practice , not hoarseness or any kind of rough texture to your sound . Although you may see some small changes over time , with age , your range , flexibility , strength , breath support and control and vibrato should not see major changes ( especially in a short period of time ) if you are singing in a healthy manner . If you do experience serious changes , you should see your doctor for a check-up . Your doctor may determine that you need to see an ENT ( ear , nose and throat specialist ) and ultimately perhaps a vocal coach . As always , I am here to answer any questions you may have . Please feel free to contact me through my website at sherigould . com .
Sheri Gould Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach . She ’ s been helping artists and worshipers find their voice for over 40 years . For help and resources visit her site . www . SheriGould . com
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