Christian worship . Students take academically grounded , highly applicable courses rooted in the biblical narrative , drawing on the rich treasures of Christian history , and committed to glorifying God in multiple cultural contexts .
IWS has a Christ-centered , ancient-future theological posture , delivered in a lowresidency educational approach focused on building an intentional and supportive learning community . Each course has a strong applied emphasis , so students make a direct impact on their ministries . IWS offers two accredited degree programs : Master of Worship Studies and Doctor of Worship Studies . Studying with a superior faculty of distinguished scholars , students come from around the country and across the globe .
[ WM ] What is the main vision you hope to impart to students ?
[ Jim ] A primary key to reading the entire Biblical narrative is this : God is calling his creation to right worship . Right worship leads to the rightly ordered life , family , Church , community and culture . Right worship stands at the very core of the Christian faith . Because of that , studying to understand and renew worship is the most important educational endeavor there can be . In worship , God ’ s people are formed into Christlikeness through Word and Table and sent out on mission to bring the entire created order back to the God who is love . The restoration of the entire created order through worship is the vision of God ’ s Kingdom and the vision of IWS .
[ WM ] Can you say a few words about your graduates ?
[ Jim ] The IWS students and alumni impact literally tens of millions of people each week across the globe for the sake of Christ through Christian worship renewal . Students and alumni come from over 100 denominations and from every US state and over 30 foreign countries , and they serve in a wide variety of ministries .
And now Ken .
[ WM ] Tell us about yourself and Visible Music College ?
[ Ken ] I have played music all my life and am a songwriter , guitarist , singer , and sometimes producer . I got degrees in audio production ( BFA ) and classical composition ( MM ) and Social Research in Integration of Religion and Society ( DPhil ). I have led worship and written worship music and been an elder of a church for 25 plus years in ministry and leadership of churches and schools . I started Skillet with John Cooper in 1995 and spend 5 years making it successful and then launched a college of music ( Visible Music College ) for the next generation with discipleship , professional experience , and academic vigor combined . I now help schools to model this for global Christian music education and teach songwriting and professional advancement for
Dr . Ken Steorts
artists while running the record label Madison Line Records while maintaining my electropunk rock band called The Beep .
[ WM ] How would you describe the environment and opportunities at VMC ?
[ Ken ] Music college meets discipleship program . Collaborative instead of competitive , a Christian community of spiritual growth , professional opportunities both local and global , and a college degree with meaning in every course . Students from all around the world of every type making new music together and worshipping in spirit and truth ( and cool genres )! Heavy music in one room , Kirk Whalum teaching sax in another . EDM and country pop . Every student doing internships in Memphis , Chicago , Dallas , California , Florida , Nashville , etc . and working in music for a career and a living afterwards , whether in a church or the industry .