realize through a small gesture and expression .
[ WM ] In closing , you ’ ve been quite vocal on the subject of race relations and responding to racism , which is exceptionally refreshing to hear . It ’ s interesting to me that because of the Toby Mac tour cancellations due to Covid19 , your final performance this year was on Friday , March 13 th , in Little Rock , Arkansas . Significant because that ’ s where the Little Rock Nine took a stand trying to integrate a white high school . The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians tells us that , “ There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .” What can you tell our readers about what God has shown you regarding all of this ?
[ Tauren ] Let me say , you are a fantastic researcher , I don ’ t know if you just knew this stuff or if you connected all of these dots and wove this intricate interview together , but you ’ re awesome . I think you should just fill in the answers for me too , then the interview would be really good ( laughs ).
Let me say it like this , we can ’ t say something about everything , but we can say something about some things . ( laughs ). I can ’ t speak on every injustice and unfortunate circumstance in the world , it ’ s just not possible . But then there are some things that cannot be ignored , and
60 Years On , A Look Back at the Little Rock Nine
they need more than commentary , they need advocacy . I think we live in a culture full of commentators who are ready to post on social media or wear a tee shirt or fill in the blank , but it ’ s really just commentary . You ’ re not doing anything until you engage in the solution . That is what I ’ ve wanted to point people to , as I ’ m posting and the things that I do choose to say something about . We need to be working toward solutions , not just being outraged in the midst of an outrage culture . We have to be driven to solutions .
A lot of people have been on a journey , and I think that ’ s important , we have to keep taking steps forward to move from ignorance to understanding , understanding to empathy , and empathy to advocacy . So we all have a step to take here . Maybe you ’ ve been in a place where you ’ re realizing for the first time that this is an actual problem and not just media hype , although the media has hyped it and that ’ s not healthy . But it ’ s not just media hype . Maybe you ’ re just experiencing this reality for the first time , so that ignorance has to turn to understanding . So , let ’ s dig into some of the history in our country and in our communities around race relations . Once you understand the history around race relations , let ’ s move to a place of empathy . I can never offer compassion over something that I have not tried to understand . So it has to happen in order or its not helpful . Empathy with ignorance is not helpful .
That ’ s a long answer just to say , we all have a step to take , no matter where you ’ re at in this conversation or where this conversation finds you . The important thing is that we take a long look in the mirror and figure out what our individual next steps are .
[ WM ] Tauren , thank you so much for this time today and for the gifts that you share with us . God bless you in your ministry pursuits and family life .
[ Tauren ] I really appreciate that . Thanks for being excellent at what you do , it means a lot to me . I appreciate your time and the opportunity .
Photo by Karina Selyuzhitskaya