available for you to use . The micro switch will engage or disengage the preamp , which means the pickups can be either passive or active . There are five pots with two of them being dual pots . The first is a dual pot controlling volume and tone and the second is a pickup blender . These two are your only controls if the guitar is switched to passive mode . Switching the toggle to active not only brings more power from the pickups , but it also opens a wide range of EQ control from the next three pots starting with treble , then a dual pot controlling the mid-range that is sweepable , and finally the bass level . The tonal possibilities seem to be endless .
I asked Kevin to explain from his selection process what led him to the Sire , “ I began my bass search contacting people I knew who played bass and after researching online and reading reviews , Mitch and I went to some guitar shops to try out some different brands and styles . We spent hours exploring the necks and sounds from a plethora of basses . I knew from there that I liked the jazz-style bass . I then called a cousin of mine who had several basses including a Sire and he invited me to try them out . I played each one multiple times , listening eagerly to the tone and studying the feel of the neck . Although each seemed to play well , the
Sire stood out to me as comfortable , easy to play , and the tone I was looking for . My cousin then had me close my eyes and he randomly handed me each bass to play . Even with my eyes closed , I picked the Sire .
From there I did a deep dive into the Sire bass and landed on the V7 Vintage . I would like to say I chose the V7 Vintage because of some special ability but mainly I chose it because of the way the black pick guard and black inlays looked contrasted on the antique white . I can honestly say I love the sound of the Sire and the playability is outstanding . I ’ m glad I settled on it .” There you go ! The combination of craftsmanship , detail , and tonal possibilities create an impressive instrument .
The V7 Vintage 4-string retails for $ 863 ( Ash body ) or $ 654 ( Alder body ).
$ 863 ( Ash body ) $ 654 ( Alder body ) sire-usa . com
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