adds space if you ’ re in stereo . Tape Delay is warm , and Control 1 adds Wow & Flutter for depth . The Digital Delay is input-sensitive and can be pristine or dark , and Control 1 adds some grit to the delay . Analog Delay degrades slightly with every repeat , and Control 1 adds a beautiful modulation .
The Dual Delay is probably my favorite right off the bat . It has the quarter and dotted together and has the unique “ Golden Ratio ” setting when the switch is set to dotted . In this mode , Control 1 affects the level of Delay 2 . The Golden Ratio is similar to the quarterdotted thing but a little smoother in some ways . It also does the ping-pong thing . It ’ s so tasty . The ESD Delay is actually like three delays in one preset . Depending on the switch position , it can be an echo vibe , adding slap and even doubling . Control 1 adds to the stereo spread as you turn it up . It ’ s very cool . Lastly , there is the Junior Signature Rhythm- JRD Delay . It acts like a normal delay combined with an additional fixed 100-millisecond delay whose level is determined by the Control 1 knob . I immensely liked this for crunchy rhythm hits and big , spacious , slow diamonds .
One of the most incredible features is choosing your favorite presets and putting them in any order in the pedal itself . You can also limit the number of presets on board . For my live setup , I chose just three . The Tape Delay , Dual Delay , and the signature JRD Delay are set up for Rhythm , Solos , and Swells in that order .
MY TAKEAWAY : I ’ ve bought a lot of delay pedals in my search for killer tones . They are a must-have for modern worship and are equally crucial as reverbs . I love several things about this pedal . First , the algorithms are studio quality and luscious . The small pedalboard-friendly size is also a welcome addition to a Stereo Delay with all these features . You ’ ll be set once you learn how the colors correspond with the presets . The MIDI capabilities and six onboard presets will also be super flexible . I cranked up the volume , and the self-noise was super quiet . Don ’ t sleep on this one . I think it ’ s an excellent fit for any rig .
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