Worship Musician Magazine November 2023 | Page 32

melodic structure still in place .
If you ’ re in a musically contemporary church , look for ways to arrange the songs in a more modern setting while retaining how they ’ re sung . ( Remember , don ’ t mess with the melody .)
There ’ s an added bonus to this : it simplifies the arrangement .
In their traditional settings , many of these old tunes have chord changes on almost every note of the melody . Often you can drop half ( or more ) of these changes and still retain the integrity of the melody . This makes it easier for the chordal instruments but doesn ’ t change the melody .
Warning : you may have an alto or tenor get their ugly Christmas sweaters in a bunch because their beloved harmonies no longer work . But a modern church band will sound better playing the simplified harmonic structure rather than attempting that myriad of chord changes from the traditional arrangement .
8 . DO plan for a smaller band . Another way to keep things simple is to be prepared to play your Christmas songs with a diminished band — especially for a Christmas Eve service .
I learned this the hard way .
Team members travel to see family at Christmas . ( Or go to the Bahamas . I was jealous of that guy .) And some just don ’ t want to play at a Christmas Eve service . They have their own family traditions .
And wouldn ’ t most of us rather see people drawn in by the simplicity and invited to participate , rather than be entertained by the production ? I gotta think those people actively participating will be more likely to hear the incarnational and life-changing message of Advent than someone who ’ s just passively enjoying a show .
9 . DO use hybrid hymns and modern Christmas songs purposefully . It might sound like I ’ m eschewing anything other than traditional Christmas hymns with conventional melodies . Heck no . I love some of the modern Christmas songs and reimagined hymns .
And there ’ s a place for these new songs and arrangements . So , where do they fit ? Ask yourself the purpose of the song :
• Is it for congregational participation ?
• Then err on the side of simple and familiar .
• Is it for congregational listening and musical ministry ?
• Then pull out the stops and perform that complex hymn arrangement or that beautiful new Advent song you ’ ve heard on Christian radio . But don ’ t make your congregation stand during this song with the expectation that they ’ ll sing along . Let them sit and be blessed by the music .
If you want to do a modern Christmas worship song or reimagined hymn for congregational singing , consider adopting it as a theme and use it multiple weeks during Advent .
And finally , here ’ s something that ’ s simple , but incredibly moving at the holidays . theological truth that God … became … human . Don ’ t forget how profound and mysterious that is . Use scripture to make much of it .
And reading scripture passages is also a simple way to create meaningful moments along your journeys of worship during Advent . It doesn ’ t all have to be about songs .
Advent ROI Now , it sounds like I ’ m being a bit Scroogeesque with anything complex or highproduction at Christmas . I ’ m not . But I do think we need to keep in mind our “ Advent Return on Investment .”
Return on investment might sound crass , but ask yourself this : Is what you ’ ll gain from wowing a few extra Chreasters worth over-extending your team , burning out yourself , and frustrating your family ?
Now , if your church has success with reaching unchurched people with high production holidays , that ’ s great . But if it ’ s at the expense of your emotional and spiritual health , is it worth it for you ?
And if your church leadership believes all that added stress and anxiety on you is worth it — you might need to reconsider your position there .
Burning the Advent candle at both ends is fun for a few years . But if you want to be in worship ministry for the long-haul , work to keep Christmas simpler so your flame doesn ’ t smolder out .
The first year I tried a big production on Christmas Eve was also the last year I tried a big production on Christmas Eve .
But once I got over my disappointment ( read : bruised ego ), I realized that a simple acoustic set with the old familiar songs created the kind of environment that most people want for Christmas Eve .
10 . DO use scripture generously . The Old Testament prophecies and Gospel narratives of Christ ’ s incarnation are as wellknown as the songs for many people . People get nostalgic when they hear those passages .
That familiarity draws people in . And hopefully , they ’ ll encounter these scriptures in a new way - in a way that shines a light on the deep
And your church just might embrace the simpler approach to Advent , too .
Matt Miller Matt lives in Cincinnati , OH with his wife Kara and their daughter Melody . He ’ s the Head Coach of WorshipTeamCoach . com and WorshipWorkshop . com , two sites that help worship leaders make every Sunday exceptional . If you want to explore coaching or mentoring with the WorshipTeamCoach team visit this page . WorshipTeamCoach . com WorshipWorkshop . com
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