photo by Shelagh Murphy via pexels
Okay . I want to write about the presence of God - especially how God ’ s presence relates to the use of music within a gathering of Believers . And as I write about the presence of God and music as an expression of worship , I am aware that this can be a divisive issue .
I know I am grossly generalizing here , but it seems to me that there ’ s a segment of the Christian Church that speaks about the presence of God A LOT - indicating their particular theological emphases . This segment tends to use a set of words and phrases around the subject of God ’ s presence in ways that other parts of the Christian Church - who have different emphases - do not . This second Church segment would wrap a different set of words and phrases around this same topic and perhaps speak about God ’ s presence less often . Some Christians , it seems , hardly speak about the topic of God ’ s presence at all !
I am deeply concerned that these different segments don ’ t just represent differences of style , preference or even theological emphasis . These segments often appear more like opposing political parties - intent on proving that their way is superior and the other is inferior .
I sense a growing polarization within the Christian Church . An “ us and them ” mentality that elevates Christians who understand and experience God ’ s presence in particular ways and demotes those whose understanding and experience is different . A tightly held , two-tiered view of Christianity that would believe that there are Christians who are correct , or “ get ” God ’ s presence and those “ others ” that are incorrect and don ’ t . Each segment tends to think of themselves as superior to the other and the other as ( at least somewhat ) deficient - not really in touch .
The differences seem especially pronounced surrounding musical worship .
It ’ s sad to see . Breaks my heart .
My sincere hope is that I can simultaneously be on both ( and neither ) side of this issue . I want - and believe I ’ m called to be - a minister of reconciliation . ( 2 Cor 5:18 ) As I pointed out in my last article “ Sing Together to Bring Unity ” the Church being One is a big deal - and not just to me ! I believe that the Church being One is a big deal to God too . ( John 17:23 ).
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