Worship Musician Magazine November 2023 | Page 10

beginnings of that one go back over five years . Probably the first thoughts of it were about I am looking at the image of a crucified savior and the implications of just that alone . How could this have happened ? Why would he have let it happen this way ? All the questions that we all feel that there ’ s a reason why you go into a cathedral , and when you see that image , you just sit and you look at it and you come to grips with a lot of things . You come to grips with our propensity for evil . You come to grips with God ’ s refusal to pay retributive vengeance and instead forgives as enemies .
You feel all these things collide at the same time . And so that song , I mean , there are several different courses along the way . We couldn ’ t land . It just felt like it was like the image of ” behold , the Lamb upon the cross . It takes away the sins of all ”. That ’ s what John the Baptist said before , “ Behold the lamb of God . He takes away the sins of the world ”. Forgiveness flows from hands and feet as violence meets
No Body
the Prince of Peace . What happens when all of our violence and our iniquity , and the ability of mankind to turn away … what happens when that meets the Prince of Peace ? And you have this image of an unearned grace and a forgiveness that stretches far beyond words on a page . And if you ’ ve been forgiven much , you know what it means . Oh , to receive that type of mercy !
And anytime I sing about something like that , not knowing , I have no idea if people are going to sing that song , but I know I needed to sing it and to come to grips with the reality of the grace and also the gruesome nature of that act . Calvary , and also the power of Christ exhibited in his resurrection and his invitation now for the rest of our lives . What does it mean experientially ? And those things have been powerful things to sing in my own life .
[ WM ] Amen . Having come as close to death as I did this summer , I can say I remember thinking so much of my life is just not important . It ’ s not important . Any successes I ’ ve had or any big records I think I ’ ve done or whatever , it ’ s just not important . It ’ s about my faith , my family , and my friends , and also just plain folks that I meet . That ’ s what it ’ s about .
[ Pat ] I love that actually .
[ WM ] It ’ s about that . And so many wonderful friends would come to see me and call me , both notables and people that were not notables , but it all meant the same . It meant so much . So , what you ’ re saying is just spot on . Good stuff .
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