It ’ s time for a heart check ! … Well , it ’ s always good to check your heart ; your attitude ; your focus . Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else , guard your heart , for everything you do flows from it . That ’ s right … it says … “ everything you do ” is affected by your heart ; your attitude . So why is this so important for a worship drummer … all worship musicians … really , ALL believers ? To get straight to the point … it ’ s because this is what God sees and hears as we pour out our lives before Him . This doesn ’ t happen just when we ’ re making music … this is the “ sound ” or our lives !... resonating into the cosmos ; into the world around us , into the people we lead in worship , and into all those we have contact with in the earth . OK , I ’ ll stop with the Christian view of quantum physics and get back to the drum kit . * You can ponder this opening paragraph later and ask the Lord to speak to you about it .
Yes , I ’ m still passionate about drums , percussion , and all things related to that . I believe it ’ s my primary talent from the Lord and I love to pursue everything about it . And there are many other talents and gifts that continue to grow in my life … as they should in all of us . But even when I ’ m playing drums , or guitar , or bass , or piano … or any other musical expression I put my hand to , the Holy Spirit has really been pressing me to let all of these things pour out of my heart … not just my head … not just my own strength and efforts . It MUST be a spiritual activity . Like King David , I want to be “ a man after God ’ s own heart ”. I want everything I do to pour out of that place in me . And I truly believe the Lord wanted me to encourage all that read this to set their hearts fully towards the Lord in all that they do .
In these days of “ deconstructing faith ” becoming a “ thing ,” I believe the Lord is calling us to refine our faith , yes , and to build on solid foundations … but NOT abandon it ! He wants us to do things to “ feed our faith and not our doubt .” OK … I know I ’ ve moved WAY beyond the drumming / musical thing right now . I ’ ve written tons of articles on the mechanics of our craft through the years but today needed to be this “ heart ” thing . Maybe it ’ s because it breaks my heart to watch so many worship musicians , leaders , and believers in general “ deconstruct ” their faith into “ destruction .” And I truly believe the “ enemy ” has done a terribly good job of dragging people off into the ditch of doubt and unbelief .
So I ’ m praying for a revival of passion and fiery faith for the minstrels in the house of the Lord . Because we are the “ gatekeepers to His presence ”… so to speak . We are the ones that are to host His presence and help people experience the Lord in a unique way . We are in a critical time of stepping up into our higher calling . We are to be the minstrels of the Lord ; the kings ; the priest … that challenge each other to go deeper … to go higher … NOT to shrink back … NOT to become less than what the Lord has called us into ! OK … so maybe you ’ re thinking , but Carl , how do we do this ? We ’ re just the musicians . I ’ m just a drummer .
I like getting straight to the point . So the simple answer or maybe I should say question is … “ Are you worshipping when you play ?” I know some of you may be thinking that is too simple . “ Of course I am !” you say . But I want you to really consider where your heart and emotions are when you ’ re playing . We all get caught up in the mechanics of the job even in ministry . So it takes determined effort to keep your heart and soul , your “ spirit man ,” engaged in the ministry of worship when you are worshipping .
You have heard me say the training of a worship musician is both technical and spiritual . One is as important as the other . It honors the Lord to discipline ourselves in the skill and talent He has given us . Yes ! Practice , learn , and grow in your craft to the best of your abilities . BUT … we must also press into our spiritual growth with equal fervor . The technical abilities serve the spiritual , but the spiritual part of us fuels everything else . So this article will really only
have one recommendation for an exercise . -- Next time you sit down at your kit to play … for anything … practice , service , or session … as you are moving towards the kit start praying !! Bless the atmosphere ! Bless your drum set ! Bless the auditorium or studio ! Call on the Lord to overshadow you as you sit down on your drum throne so that you can release the atmosphere of worship into the room . Cry out for more of His Spirit to pour through you ! Cry out for more … and more … and more !! Set your heart and your intention to give Him your best for His glory ! “ Your utmost for His highest .”
Blessings ...
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl for coaching , online lessons , producing , or sessions . I ’ m still growing too ... www . CarlAlbrecht . com LMAlbrecht @ aol . com