Worship Musician Magazine November 2022 | Page 54

plenty to choose from to get you started , but you could also start from scratch and recreate your live setup .
Once you have something you love , you can save it to the hardware in one of 6 slots accessible from the front panel Rig knob to have it available at the flick of a switch . The Room knob allows you to adjust the room mics level independent of the Rig preset right there as well .
STUDIO I have lots of opportunities to record for myself at home , and the OX hands me the keys to a gear locker on par with the best studios in the world . All without miking a single cab , and often silently ! I ’ ve even been inspired by some of the Factory Rigs on occasion , using them for tracks or overdubs .
LIVE If a silent or quiet stage is what you ’ re going for , the OX is a great way to get there ! Your audio engineer will be happy with the tones and not having to mic up a cab , and you can run that amp at its “ sweet spot ” without worrying it will be too loud for the front row . For several online recordings last year , I used the OX to give the broadcast mix a wide stereo image , without carrying two amps and miking two cabs .
WRAP UP Every digital solution I ’ ve ever used - and I ’ ve used several over the years - to one degree or another , sounds like me and my tone but through a filter , through the lens of the developer . I ’ ve been able to dial in good tones , but I ’ ve rarely felt like it was fully me . The OX , on the other hand , kicks that wall down in a big way ! In part , because everything up to the OX is your regular signal chain , the tones you get are the most like what you are used
to hearing when plugging into your pedalboard and amp alone . The OX gives you the ability to dial in a perfect live or studio sound without the truckload of gear you would need to pull it off .
UAFX PEDALS The UAFX pedals were released in two sets of three pedals . The Astra Modulation Machine , Golden Reverberator , and Starlight Echo Machine kicked things off with some seriously awesome time-based effects . In turn they were followed by the Dream ’ 65 Reverb Amplifier , Ruby ’ 63 Top Boost Amplifier , and the Woodrow ’ 55 Amplifier pedals . Before I share my thoughts about each of these awesome pedals ( as well as some suggested starting places for worship guitar players ), it would be judicious to share the key features they share globally .
Each of the UAFX pedals features dualprocessor engines , stereo inputs and outputs , and require 400mA of DC power . They also share two rows of six knobs , separated by a trio of multifunction toggle switches , as well as a pair of two multifunction footswitches . By default , the left footswitch engages ‘ Live Mode ’ where all the controls on the face of the unit are active . The right footswitch engages ‘ Preset Mode ’ which loads the most recently saved preset you saved or pushed from the UAFX Control mobile app ( iOS and Android ).
IMPORTANT While there is a desktop app , the UAFX Control mobile app is where the action is , for the time being at least . Once downloaded , the app pairs the selected pedal via Bluetooth , enabling you to push the bonus cabinet or effect models to your pedal once you ’ ve registered it . It also give you access to stock , artist , and presets saved from your pedal / s .
Noting the UAFX Control app only has been rated 17 times , I ’ m very much of the belief that most people are not using it , and hence are getting a fraction of the functionality that they paid for .
I ’ d also suggest using the UAFX Preset List as you get started . Ditto for the UAFX Control Maps found on this page . These resources are game changers for making the most of the UAFX ecosystem . It also adds some depth of field to the stock and artist presets you can push to your pedal via the app .
I ’ d suggest thinking of these pedals as traditional stomps that in ‘ Live Mode ’ live where you set them . If you fall in love with a sound , the middle toggle enables you to save it for recall in ‘ Preset Mode ’. Synching to UAFX Control synchs your newly-saved preset with the app where you can rename it as well as add it to your ‘ Favorites ’ list in the app .
All the pedals feature analog through for the direct signal integrity . Models like the EHX Deluxe Memory Man give you the option of adding the color to the direct signal , even when bypassed . Further functionality like trails on / off is detailed in the respective manuals which you can find on this page . The ‘ amp ’ pedals also feature UA uber-cool take on the four-cable method . By leveraging the quad of inputs and outputs you can run your direct signal into the front end of your amp , and when engaged in your Effects Loopequipped amp , the pedal bypasses your amp ’ s preamp and replaces it with the pedal . You ’ ll probably want to disable to speaker modeling via the speaker toggle on your pedal . And yes , you can even use multiple UAFX amp pedals , by running them in series . The first active amp
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