Worship Musician Magazine November 2022 | Page 45

Winter is right around the corner . Crackling fires , yummy baked goods , Holiday gatherings , stunning snowfalls are all part of this wonderful season but along with these come other not so welcome aspects of being stuck indoors and dealing with nasty “ bugs ” that can find their way in through the cracks . Although there are some activities we can ’ t ( or would rather not ) avoid , there are some ways we can take precautions to help ensure that we are able to sing well throughout the winter season . Here are a few reminders ...
HYDRATION IS KEY THE AIR YOUR BREATHE Hydration is the name of the game in the dry winter months . So many of the problems we face as vocalists come from being underhydrated . Although its more difficult to stay well hydrated in the winter months , it ’ s not impossible . Colder air has less capacity to hold moisture and so throughout the winter months we experience a drying effect in everything from our skin to our voices . Compounding this cold air effect is that we heat the air which further reduces the moisture content . For many years I lived in an old historic home with steam / radiator heat . It was loud at times ( the radiators would bang when heating up !) but I rarely experienced the drying effects as much as my friends with forced air heat .
Now I mostly use a woodburning stove to heat my home , and although its slightly less drying than forced air , I still need to add moisture to the air constantly to avoid the problems overly dry air can cause . I shoot for 50 % humidity at all times . This can be achieved in a number of ways : humidifiers , vaporizers , stovetop water boiling , etc . Although this requires a lot of effort , it is well worth avoiding not only the vocal problems but the health issues that can come from dry air . The entire upper part of our respiratory system is lined with moist membranes , which help to capture dirt , dust , viruses , and bacteria before they reach the lungs . With cold , dry air , these membranes lose much of their moisture . So , making sure that the air you breathe is moisturized can help not only your voice but your whole body as well .
THE LIQUID YOU INGEST It ’ s important to hydrate the inside of your body as well as the air you breathe . Many people misunderstand how to hydrate properly . Hydration is not just about how much water , or other liquid you take in , but about how much you actually absorb . I meet many people who proudly tell me of how many ounces of water they consume each day . They show me their oversized water bottle while they take a swig and then excuse themselves to run off to the bathroom . Therein lies the problem . So much of the water people are drinking is getting eliminated rather then absorbed and this causes them confusion . They are so meticulous about drinking water and they can ’ t understand how they can actually still feel so dehydrated .
We need fiber and electrolytes to absorb water and give us proper fluid balance . When we simply drink a lot of water without these essential elements to help absorb properly , we can actually wash away some existing electrolytes and cause further dehydration . So , pay attention to your body and make sure that your water intake is balanced and absorbable . Instead of two bottles of water , try a bottle of water and an apple !
PREVENTION IS THE BEST CURE Maintaining a healthy routine in more difficult in the winter months . It ’ s much more difficult ( if not impossible ) to get enough sun to ensure proper vitamin D levels . For multiple reasons , flu and other bugs are much more prevalent in the winter months so we need to be extra intentional to try and stay healthy , take our vitamins ( lots of C !) and continue a good exercise routine . With all the extra musical events during the holiday season , we tend to let ourselves get rundown and we ’ re much more apt to catch one of those nasty bugs ! Make sure you take extra care to conscientiously warm up the vocal cords before singing . Do your best to take care not to overuse or abuse your voice during this time . Choir directors : do not sing along with your choir while you are directing ! ( This is unhelpful for them and harmful for you !)
INDISPENSABLE HELPS Try to be even more meticulous about avoiding caffeinated drinks during the overbusy and very dry winter months . Load up n Throat Coat tea ( be sure to steep at least 20 minutes , covered before drinking ). Be sure to keep Vocal Rescue and Throat Saver spray on hand . If you don ’ t already , make a habit of always breathing in through your nose ( not your mouth ) to help keep you healthy and better hydrated . And please , do NOT sing or take your choir out to sing in the cold air . You will be inviting trouble !
With a few small steps you can help to ensure a happy , healthful singing season !
Sheri Gould Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach . She ’ s been helping artists and worshipers find their voice for over 40 years . For help and resources visit her site . www . SheriGould . com
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