Worship Musician Magazine November 2022 | Page 3

What happens when you place two well-loved worship leaders on the same platform for the same worship service and those two worship songwriters also had a shared catalog of songs ? Worship combustion !
It had never happened before . Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown in all their years of traveling the world leading worship had never been on the same stage together before leading worship . They have co-written several terrific songs together … “ Hosanna ( Praise is Rising )”, “ Because of Your Love ”, “ Our God Saves ”, “ God My Rock ” to name a few .
At our 20 th Anniversary of the Christian Musician Summit , Matt Kees ( also our faithful designer of this publication ) and I invited both Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown to lead worship during the event . Both are old friends , and both are crowd favorites at the conference . When it came time for the big evening concert we still didn ’ t quite have a plan for how the two would present the evening together . In pure “ let ’ s play it by ear ” fashion , Paul and Brenton took the stage . What happened next was truly a down to earth worship experience flowing from two trusted friends . Their honesty and insight on how the songs came about added depth to those worship songs when it came time to sing them .
The house band for the CMS Conference was a mix between Brenton ’ s band ( his drummer
Aaron Blanton and guitarist Bobby Hartry ) and CMS instructors … Norm Stockton on bass , plus Vance and Michelle Shepherd ( organ / synths and BGV ’ s respectively ).
Please watch the video and enjoy this special time of worship for yourself . If you are also a songwriter , I believe there is extra inspiration here for you as well .
Visit christianmusiciansummit . com / video and you will find several other worthwhile sessions from our “ Live Stream ” archived there . They are all free to watch .
Perhaps you can join us next year ?
Lord Bless Ya !
Bruce & Judy
The Cast
Publisher + Editor :
Bruce Adolph
Vice President :
Judy Adolph
Editorial + Ad Director : Doug Doppler
Associate Editor :
Michael Hodge
Spanish Copy Editor :
Rina Solano-Castillo
Ad Sales Manager :
Andrew Adolph
Ad Acct Exec :
Steve Sattler
Higher Ed Acct Exec :
Alex MacDougall
Production Manager :
Mike Adolph
Layout + Design :
Matt Kees
Customer Experience :
Brian Felix
© 2022 Worship Musician published by Adolph Agency , Inc .
The Details
Bruce @ AdolphAgency . com Doug @ AdolphAgency . com Michael @ MichaelHodge . com
RinaSolano @ icloud . com Drew @ AdolphAgency . com
Steve @ CreativeSalesResource . com
ProfessorMacBNA @ gmail . com Mike @ AdolphAgency . com Matt @ AdolphAgency . com Brian @ AdolphAgency . com
WorshipMusician . com AAI Office : 253-445-1973
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