Worship Musician Magazine November 2020 | Page 92

• True Analog Dry Signal
• MIDI Clock and Tap Input
• Five Modulation Types
• 25 Storable Presets
• Mac / Win Device Manager
The Eventide Rose is an extraordinary modulated delay that is as unique a product as anything Eventide has ever developed . Everything about this pedal speaks creativity and clever hipness . Deceptively simple on the outside , Rose can go deep with hidden menus via button combinations and a beautiful , intuitive computer interface .
OUT OF THE BOX : The Rose comes with its own power supply , a six-page quick start guide , and an Eventide sticker for your pedalboard case . Included is the manual , and more info is online . It ’ s rock solidly built and weighs in at about a pound . On top are six rubber knobs for Delay ( with a push switch ), Mix , Filter , Feedback , Rate , and Depth . Next on the top left are a preset mini button with 5 small multi-function LED preset ladder indicators .
Similarly , on the right are 5 multi-function LED ladder indicators with a mini button to switch between them . Placed near the center are two more multi-function mini buttons , one for Comb Filter , Phase , Long Delays , and Reverse , with a second “ Delta ” delay multiplier button . Smack in the middle is a sizeable Rose-shaped indicator pulsating at the modulation speed that also changes colors for different modulation sources . On the bottom front are two Foot Switches : Active and Hotswitch .
On the Back are ¼ inch Input , Output , TRS
Control , and a Guitar / Line level switch . On the left side is a mini USB for updates via the Eventide computer program . The Rose accepts MIDI by TRS and the mini USB jack .
IN USE : When I first swapped out a pedal on my board with the Rose , I wondered , what ' s wrong with this thing ? I quickly realized it needs 500mA , not 100mA , like the pedal I swapped with . The Rose does come with its own power supply . I moved a couple power jacks around underneath the board and was back up and running . Next , I started through the 25 presets and was almost overwhelmed with how many creative effects come pre-programmed . It was a good move for Eventide to include all those presets . Each one shows you another trick the Rose has up its sleeve .
After plugging in an expression pedal , I lost half a day discovering the sheer depth and creativity this pedal brings .
Each Preset has an A / B pair of settings for each knob , button , or shape . This makes for a total of 50 potential presets . The dual-purpose Delay knob fine-tunes the delay time , and by pushing it in , you can turn to different Course Delay settings from 10 milliseconds to 50 seconds long when using the 5X multiplier .
With the Shape mini button function , each preset has the option of five different modulation
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