a modified Bluesbreaker sound . But whatever it is , whatever it has been , from the first day that I got it , I ’ ve consistently compared it to whatever the new overdrive is and this thing wins every time . For my amps , back in the day I was using only three twins turned up between eight and ten , so that was a super clean sound and I was using the pedals to really send it over the top . Now that Dumble has been building all of my amps there is a natural overdrive that is available from the amplifiers that I didn ’ t have available to me before . So , I ’ m able to use less pedals , or I don ’ t have to stack pedals to get the kind of sustain , where if I wanted a certain amount of sustain before I would have to stack two overdrives on top of each other to get it to ring true . Now I can get it from the amp itself , but if I want to throw the pedal on top of it for that little something extra , then I can do that too .
[ WM ] You ’ ve played with a couple of amazing drummers . All fame aside , Ringo Starr can really play . What was it like to have him play for you ?
[ Kenny ] It was pretty incredible . I ’ ve known him for many years before we made music together . He asked me to play on a record he made in 2012 , where I was going to play on one song , and then he wanted me to play on