get it !
If the sound operator doesn ’ t seem to understand quickly , he or she may not have a technical aptitude ; however , avoid rushing to a judgment . There is a lot involved in running sound , and people learn at different rates . Once it becomes obvious that the sound operator isn ’ t technically adept , it ’ s time to look for another candidate . Even if the person has a great desire to become an excellent sound operator , if he or she lacks the necessary aptitude for the job , it is unlikely that person will achieve excellence .
15 . HAS GOOD PEOPLE SKILLS If there is one person capable of stirring up a hornet ’ s nest , it ’ s a cranky sound operator . Every area of life requires good people skills , but there seems to be a special sensitivity in the creative arts that demands an even higher level of grace , kindness , and understanding .
The sound operator has the ability to create tension and aggravation in the band , audience , or venue managers — a small problem can easily blow out of proportion if handled poorly . On the other hand , a tactful and compassionate sound operator can single-handedly calm the waters at any event . If he or she genuinely values people and gives credence to their concerns , and then communicates in a way that is sincere , authentic , and kind , life is much easier for everyone .
16 . HAS A MATURE PERSPECTIVE Maturity is not all about age . Some aspects of maturity are cultivated by time along with temperance from the successes and failures brought on by years of living . Other aspects of maturity are learned at a young age through excellent parenting and mature role models . Sound operators are closely involved with the singers , instrumentalists , production team , venue owners and managers , and the audience , therefore , immaturity in their actions , reactions , and comments tends to be magnified .
Operating sound demands 100 % of the operator ’ s attention for 100 % of the performance time . This is definitely not a passive task .
I ’ ve had many teenagers on sound crews who were amazingly mature , hardworking , dependable , and respectful of authority — along with all of that good stuff , they were instant learners and technically adept in every way . Some of them have gone on to great things in the technical world .
A mature person understands that we are all going to make a mistake or say the wrong thing from time to time . Repentance and forgiveness are fundamental tools in the mature person ’ s relational toolkit . Holding grudges and having a hypercritical outlook are causes for potential strife and dismay .
17 . LIKES TO HELP OTHERS SUCCEED Being a sound operator is about helping the performers succeed every time they step onto the stage . The selfless and supportive
Being a sound operator is about helping the performers succeed every time they step onto the stage . role played by the sound operator is laudable . Realizing satisfaction through the support of others is admirable . A great sound operator makes everyone else look excellent .
Sometimes we walk away from a performance talking about how incredible the sound was , but usually the performers get the accolades . A seasoned sound operator understands that he or she plays a crucial role in the success or failure of each performance and is satisfied each time the show is a success and dismayed when it ’ s not .
18 . DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN GOSSIP Gossip is unfair , destructive , immature , and unacceptable . When we have a problem with any person , we must confront that person about it — not other team members or everyone except that person .
Self-control and discipline are necessary to curb this natural tendency . The urge to talk about people behind their backs or to constantly speak negatively about others is uncontrollable for some . However , tolerance of gossip can only lead to problems and strife .
19 . IS AN EXPERIENCED SOUND OPERATOR It ’ s ideal if the sound operator is experienced and naturally gifted . An experienced sound operator with an innate ability to create an impressive-sounding mix can make an incredible difference in any show , performance , or presentation . However , if the sound operator is not supportive of the performers and is not dependable , hardworking , mature , and all the rest of the qualifications , that person is likely to cause problems .
Bill Gibson Teacher at Berklee College of Music Online , content creator for LinkedIn Learning , and author of more than forty books and videos about live sound and studio recording . Most recent book releases : The Ultimate Live Sound Operator ’ s Handbook , 3rd Edition , and The First 50 Recording Techniques You Should Know to Track Music . He also recently self-published an eBook / Audiobook combo called Stream Great-Sounding Audio : Guide for Streaming Church Services and Other Events .
BillGibsonCourses . com