There are many pressures and stressors imposed on entertainers . Most performers are nice folks , but some are a bit presumptuous and needy . A good sound operator is secure in his or her abilities and skills , yet willing to help all the band members achieve their best performances .
The quickest way for the sound operator to realize mutual respect with the entertainers is through the consistent demonstration of competence . Every musician eventually learns that the one essential cog in the music machine is an excellent sound operator . An experienced and talented sound operator is quickly embraced and respected by the team members .
8 . HAS A POSITIVE OUTLOOK It is important that all team members maintain a positive attitude . Negativity is infectious and must be addressed immediately . Some folks tend to look at the glass as half empty . They tend to be fatalistic , judgmental , overcritical , and defeatist in their outlook — and their poor attitude can infect the team . They need to either seek help working through their negativity or be released from their duties .
9 . DOES NOT HAVE AN EGO PROBLEM This is one of the most important concerns for any team . Large egos are easy to spot — they shine brightly . Be leery of a potential sound operator who seems overly confident .
Confidence is a necessary attribute — without it , none of us would ever gain much opportunity . No one likes to trust important duties to people who don ’ t trust themselves . However , cockiness , arrogance , and egomaniacal tantrums are unacceptable . A person who brags constantly , as if he or she is the best thing since sliced bread , usually isn ’ t as perfect as he or she claims . The ‘ best of the best ’ are typically humble yet confident . Avoid introducing someone with a large ego into the team — he or she will bring strife , conflict , and anger .
There is a vast difference between acknowledging and actually embracing the energy and passion behind the music .
10 . IS A LIFELONG LEARNER The technical aspects of live sound are in a constant state of change . The advent of new and affordable technology provides access to a constant flow of new tools for the sound operator . A first-class sound operator is good at learning new things , whether about equipment , science , math , music , or virtually anything else .
A sound operator who is intimidated by technology and prefers to live in the “ old school ” will have a difficult time moving ahead into the future . On the other hand , a sound operator who loves to learn new things is in the right business . It is almost guaranteed that each coming year will bring exciting new technical advances that will influence , if not radically change , the way we do things .
11 . IS A HARD WORKER Maintaining and operating a sound system at a professional level is a demanding undertaking . It requires the constant attention , time , and devotion of a person who enjoys working toward excellence and who appreciates achieving goals and meeting deadlines .
A good sound operator will take note of equipment that malfunctions during a show and will take the time to make sure it functions perfectly at the next show . A sound operator
Large egos are easy to spot - they shine brightly . who persistently procrastinates , allowing the same problems to recur at multiple shows , will quickly lose the musicians ’ respect . Great performances demand an intense outpouring of emotion and passion . Anything that distracts a musician ’ s attention detracts from the creativity and emotional expression that characterizes an excellent performance .
12 . HAS A LONG ATTENTION SPAN Operating sound demands 100 percent of the operator ’ s attention for 100 percent of the performance time . This is definitely not a passive task . Running the sound system during any live performance requires constant attention to detail . An experienced and excellent group of singers and instrumentalists makes the sound operator ’ s job much easier ; however , there are enough variables in any live setting that the sound operator must devote his or her full attention at all times .
Any sound operator who has a hard time concentrating for long periods is destined to cause several distractions during the performance . Simply not paying attention to what is going on will result in mics being off when they need to be on ( and vice versa ), awkward pauses in media presentations , distracting noises when mics are removed from and replaced on their stand clips , and myriad other potentially annoying incidents .
13 . PURSUES EXCELLENCE People who are excellent at one thing tend to have the ability to be excellent at whatever they choose to pursue . If your sound operator hasn ’ t achieved excellence at something in his or her life , he or she will require support , training , and much patience to achieve excellence as a sound operator .
14 . HAS A KNACK FOR TECHNOLOGY I ’ ve noticed that some people walk in and immediately understand everything about the system , the equipment , and the responsibilities of a sound operator , while for others it is more difficult . Some things are just easier for some people — they