If you are a sound operator longing to make the audio industry a lifelong career , it is important that you do an outstanding job . However , it is also important that you act professionally and exhibit excellent communication and relational skills .
If you can find — or become — a person who matches the following qualifications , there ’ s a good chance you can become an excellent sound operator .
1 . LISTENS TO MUSIC The fact that this is first on the list of qualifications is not random . If the sound operator doesn ’ t listen to a lot of great-sounding music , he or she won ’ t have an accurate frame of reference upon which to base decisions regarding the creation of a great mix .
If you want to be able to provide excellent mixes , listen to professionally recorded music that is like what you ’ re mixing . When copying an arrangement from a recording , listen to the original recording and try to emulate the sound in your live setting . It is common for the studio or live sound engineer to play his favorite recordings over the sound system to hear what a trusted mix sounds like in that setting . It ’ s not cheating — it ’ s smart .
2 . LOVES MUSIC A great sound operator loves music . Excellent sound operators not only listen to great music — they really love listening to great music . They often have excellent music playback systems at home , and they enjoy music on an emotional level — they go deeper into the experience than simply acknowledging the existence of music .
Sometimes you ’ ll find a highly trained and skilled musician who loves the technical aspect of sound so much that he prefers being the sound operator over being a musician . Most band members could be good sound operators ; however , excellent musicians aren ’ t easy to find , so most players and singers end up playing and singing .
Excellent sound operators not only listen to great music - they love listening to great music .
3 . HAS AN EXCELLENT TECHNICAL APTITUDE This characteristic has risen to the top of the list because the job of the sound operator has gotten more and more demanding , especially if the sound operator expects to stay on top of all of the technical details . With the advent of AVB , digital routing , software-based control surfaces , digital consoles with third-party plug-ins , and a laundry list of modern in-ear monitoring systems , the sound operator ’ s job has changed . In fact , it has gotten more exciting ! But , for a sound operator who lacks a basic understanding of computer systems and how to get around a new technoscape , it has only gotten more frustrating . Every part of a musical organization values people skills highly . Without a solid ability to be a trusted and loyal ally to the performers , a sound operator won ’ t last — that ’ s a given . But technical abilities need to be part of the equation because the performers need to trust that the sound operator can get them through the gig without falling apart .
4 . IS A PROVEN ADVOCATE OF THE ACT It is important that the sound operator has proven a loyalty to the band , the band leader , and the production staff . This is an important point even though it is often overlooked in
New and affordable technologies provide access to a constant flow of game-changing tools for sound operators . the interest of simply finding someone to fill a position .
A sound operator who doesn ’ t care about or even like the act is likely to bring skepticism , criticism , and strife into an otherwise peaceful group .
5 . AGREES WITH MUSICAL AND PERFORMANCE DIRECTION If the sound operator isn ’ t in agreement with the musical and performance direction of any performance entity , he or she won ’ t enjoy being the sound operator for the group . In addition , there probably won ’ t be steady creative growth and development in the process of building a great presentation .
I have personally been through tough decisions regarding most of these qualifications for sound operators and musicians . This aspect of pairing the sound operator with the act is important , although , easy to overlook . Great things can happen when everyone on a team agrees with the intentions and tactics of the leaders . However , the delicate balance of synergy can easily be tilted in the wrong direction by negative energy and disagreements about fundamental ideals .
6 . UNDERSTANDS THE MUSICAL STYLE This is necessary . If the sound operator doesn ’ t know , understand , and buy into the lifestyle and energy of the musical and performance styles , he or she will not be creatively or technically effective . There is a vast difference between acknowledging a style of music and actually embracing the energy and passion behind the style . It isn ’ t critical that the sound operator live a stereotypical lifestyle of a particular type of musician , but it is critical that the sound operator have a deep understanding of the energy created by the music and the typical personality of the people who love the music .
7 . IS HELPFUL It ’ s important that the sound operator is helpful — that he or she enjoys the process of supporting the musicians and entertainers .