“ I shall either find a way or make one .” Hannibal Barca
The arranger sent the timpani part in advance of the rehearsal so I could prepare . Upon noticing the chart was written for four drums with multiple pitch changes , I quickly realized I needed to practice the part before the rehearsal . Although I have filled the role of timpanist on hundreds of occasions , kettledrums are not in my collection of percussion gear . I had to find a way to learn the part without access to four timpani . It was time to improvise !
I positioned my quartet of kitchen bar stools into the configuration of four timpani and began practicing the appropriate drum-to-drum movements along with the footwork on the imaginary pedals .
Have you encountered a situation when you needed to prepare , but the necessary instruments were not readily available ? Here are a few ideas for solving the challenge of limited access .
turned into a lick-learning session .
PILLOW If you need to grab some practice time in your hotel room , you will not disturb the other guests if you use a pillow instead of a drum .
BONUS : Check out my Pillow Practice video to learn how a pillow can be a tool to improve your drumming technique :
NOVEL OR NONFICTION When bongos or timbales are not available for practice , just work out rhythms and hand permutations on two different surfaces . A couple of books laid side-by-side can easily simulate a couple of drums .
DIGITAL PERCUSSION Though tapping on a touchscreen will not produce the same tactile and aural sensations as playing on an acoustic percussion instrument , your smart-device can be pressed into service for practicing in a pinch . Apps with the sounds of djembe , congas , cowbell , claves , bongos , and drum set are readily available along with electronic percussion samples .
percussion set-up ’ to learn a challenging sticking pattern .
TIME MANAGEMENT Make the most of your precious percussion contact time by working on song study and memorization while restricted from the instruments .
• Preparing to perform a piece of music sometimes requires studying a recording in addition to actual practicing on an instrument . Organize your time so that you can transcribe rhythms and learn song form when you are isolated from your instruments .
• Work on memorization without your instruments by imagining your set-up and visualizing your hands playing the correct notes and rhythms . You can easily make use of this mental exercise while waiting for an oil change .
• When separated from your instruments , test your recall by writing out key elements of your percussion part such as rhythms and song form . This exercise can point to foggy areas that require additional practice and study time .
When conditions limit access to instruments , use your ingenuity and determination to find alternative methods for learning .
Don ’ t look for an excuse . Search for a solution .
If you faint in the day of adversity , your strength is small . Proverbs 20:10 AKJV
PRACTICE PAD Generations of drummers have tapped out rhythms on a practice pad without disturbing parents or spouse . It ’ s a must-have tool for a percussionist . Along with allowing low-volume practice , the pad is portable , lightweight , inexpensive and available in a variety of sizes and surfaces . If you keep a pad and sticks in your vehicle , downtime in the drive-thru can be
DRIVER ’ S SEAT DRUMMING You have been playing along with the car radio since you got your license . With each vehicle you drive , you locate spots on the steering wheel and dashboard that mimic the high hat and snare drum . Try to refrain from busting out a full-out-four-limb groove while the vehicle is moving , but if you are sitting still at the train crossing or parking lot , use your ‘ vehicular
© 2020 Mark Shelton Productions / Percussion For Worship
Mark Shelton A freelance musician and educational consultant based in Dallas / Fort Worth . Performance credits include North Carolina Symphony , Gateway Worship , Daystar Singers & Band , TALEA , Wichita Falls Orchestra , Tin Roof Tango , and Dallas Wind Symphony . www . marksheltonmusic . com percussionforworship . blogspot . com