the scripture says , “ so easily beset us ”. Indeed , when we get rid of what ’ s keeping us from Him , He fills us with His living water . Can you tell us about this moment at the Ryman ?
[ Tasha ] “ Pour It Out ” was a song presented to me by one of my favorite worship leaders , David Binion . This song speaks to those moments when we feel it ’ s ok or necessary to withhold our worship . It instructs us to press past our doubts , fears and brokenness and pour out our worship anyway !
[ WM ] Tasha , I would be remiss if I did not ask you about the loss of your father , Bishop Fritz Cobb . My father passed years ago at a young age , and there ’ s not a day that goes by that I don ’ t think about him , remember his words , count my blessings for him , and acknowledge the incredible impact he has had upon my life . You father ’ s example of continued blessing ,
Pour it Out
support , and pride in you is evident in your life story . As a mother , what legacy do you hope to make upon your children ?
[ Tasha ] Wow , this is so true ! Thank you for mentioning this . My Father set such an example of parenthood and leadership . Daily I think of him and the most powerful lesson he taught me was , “ Baby , stay at the feet of Jesus ”. I pray that my life impacts the lives of my children just as his has impacted mine and my brothers .
[ WM ] Tasha , what an honor it ’ s been to visit with you . Your new project is extraordinary and a stellar marriage of heart and skill ! May God use it to impact the church for years to come . Thank you so much for sharing with us .
[ Tasha ] Thank you ! This has been an incredible experience !