I ’ m sitting here thumbing through my latest issue of “ Modern Drummer ” ( magazine ) wondering what I should write about to inspire drummers … especially worship drummers . That ’ s what I ’ m supposed to do here . And I always give it my best shot . Our editor often reminds us to be relevant to the challenges and needs of the modern church musician . Drummers … I ’ ve come to realize that “ inspiration ” is always gold worth digging for … join me for a treasure hunt .
I was setting up for a recording session the other day . There ’ s an old church on Music Row in Nashville that has a smaller , older chapel that sounds amazing as a drum room . In fact , the engineer , who has worked all over the city , said it ’ s his favorite drum room in town . That really got me thinking . Right across the street there are other studios , publishing offices , and other music industry fixtures . I ’ ve worked in many of them . But the fact that an old chapel in the heart of Music City could be the best drum room in town was extremely inspiring . So , I listened carefully … And as this engineer dialed in the drum mix , I could hear the “ magic ” in my headphones . WOW … it was beautiful just to hear the drums in that room . Something in the sonic colors that came through the overheads and room mics just blew me away . Even playing without the headphones was inspiring .
Of course , this sounds like a dream , or you might think I ’ m just being dramatic . But it ’ s the honest truth ! No fingers crossed . It was a very special moment . But then I felt the Lord reminding me that I often feel this way when I ’ m worshipping Him or just playing … no matter where it is . And most of the time when I am playing the drums this “ feeling ” hits me . That … INSPIRATION ! The calling … The thing I ’ m made to do . * I bet all musicians get this divine confirmation … that Chariots of Fire moment ( the movie ) - “ When I run , I feel God ’ s pleasure .” ( Check it out sometime .) Even working in my basement studio , I just enjoy the moments . The sound of the drums … even in that much smaller room , sounded so good to me . It also felt that way just practicing , jamming on some songs later , after my work was done . No assignment ; no paycheck … just the music … JUST DRUMS .
I purposefully look for inspiration in every musical setting . In every situation there ’ s something about playing drums that stirs my soul . For me it ’ s ALL worship ! It ’ s always for the Lord . Well … at least that ’ s my goal . The call to be a musician in the earth is a call to be a “ gatekeeper ” for His presence in every situation . So , I ’ m trying to live my life as a pursuer of the Lord in every setting . Yes , this should apply to all areas of life . I ’ m working on that … But , there is something about the music … the worship … what I – what you … were created to do !
I even find myself being inspired working on drums , changing drumheads and tuning a drum to get it to sound just right … or maybe very different – to inspire me in a new way . LOL … I was even playing my nephew ’ s little toy drum set the other day and it was totally falling apart . He really didn ’ t care . He was loving the fun ; the inspiration ; the joy of drumming . Well … I couldn ’ t stand it ... I brought it home . Took it apart . Replaced parts that were broken ; tightened every screw and replaced the heads .
I found some old cymbals and a snare he could use for now . You ’ d think I was getting this little toy kit ready for a session . But it was just “ the calling ”. Wanting to bring inspiration to this little drummer boy so he could just enjoy the sounds like I do !
There ’ s so much in the world to inspire us as musicians … as drummers … as human beings ! Watch other musicians play when you can . There ’ s so much video performance stuff out there . Observe with wonder and choose to learn , and to grow . Don ’ t judge ! Don ’ t be the critic and miss out on the chance to glean something from what you see and hear . Be inspired to reach for the next level in your musicianship . Choose it ! Dig for it like a treasure . God always has something for us if we will humbly make the effort . May He
bless you with ongoing inspiration to grow in whatever He has given your hands to do . Keep digging ! Honor the calling !
Blessings , Carl
P . S . A classic for your inspiration
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl for coaching , online lessons , producing , or sessions . I ’ m still growing too ... www . CarlAlbrecht . com LMAlbrecht @ aol . com
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