Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 46

Photo by Chris on Unsplash
It was just another Sunday . I was serving in our kids worship band . The atmosphere was sweet . We were a couple songs into the set . I was playing keyboard . As I looked up into the crowd , I saw members of our kids team engaged in worship . The song continued , my eyes looked to a different spot and what I saw was another servant leader participating in worship . The song still playing , my eyes looked out and saw our kid ’ s pastor on her knees . Instantly as my gaze kept landing on these adult leaders and their offering of worship my spirit grasped fully what my eyes were seeing . I wasn ’ t looking for them , but I do believe God was showing them to me and guiding my eyes to see them . It was a download to my spirit right then and there , in the middle of the worship happening and the song I was playing . I knew and understood that these leaders were sowing worship into this space . Their commitment to worship . Their participation and example of worship allowed the moments to be created for God to move that day . And He did . Kids experienced the presence of God . The lesson was taught clearly . Kids felt tugs from God and heard His voice . The Spirit of God was present and I ’ m grateful . God so clearly focused my eyes to see how and why that was possible . Our adult leaders have sowed a costly sacrifice . Their offering of worship helped make the offering of worship from the kids possible . Their prayers sowed into the mundane and ordinary , during the Monday to Friday and behind the scenes lesson prep . It all matters and it all contributes . I am fully convinced that the worship those adult leaders were offering had done work on the battlefield of the spirit .
Your team . Every volunteer in the room is needed . Their participation in worship makes a huge difference . I was leading worship for a group of elementary kids this last Sunday . I was a guest at this church and my heart beamed watching how this volunteer team modeled worship to the kids around them . They were participating . They were fully engaged and doing all the things being asked . They were true examples , off stage . As a worship leader , on stage , I knew they had my back . I was the one starting the car and putting it into the right gear so to speak . But this kids team was the fuel to make the car get down the road . Because they were the ones to the left and the right . They were in front and behind . They could adjust course and correct by reminding them and showing the kids around them how to worship .
Unless you ’ re a stranger to children ’ s ministry you know the Bible verse Matthew 19:14 that says : Jesus said , “ Let the little children come to me , and do not hinder them , for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these .” After all , it is one of our mottos . It is a scripture written on the heart of every leader , ministry director and Pastor that has a heart for kids . You may have even seen the Chosen episode where Jesus is surrounded by children depicting this very passage of scripture . It is important to focus on the “ let them come ” aspect to this verse . It will help you gain vision and clarity of what you want to see happen in your church . Although another perspective that is fruitful for you to process is turning the table and asking the question in reverse . How have you been guilty of hindering the kids you lead from coming to Jesus ? Processing that question will help you evaluate and adjust course where needed . Is your team helping you lead kids in worship or are they hindering it ?
Not too long ago I looked up two words in the dictionary . I think it ’ s always helpful to really know the definition of words . Here ’ s the results of the words I searched .
• Worship “ reverent honor and homage paid to God .”
• Discipleship “ The condition or situation of being a disciple , a follower , or a student of some philosophy , especially a follower of Christ .”
Then I took these two words and definitions and put them together .
Worship Discipleship : “ The study , practice and discipline of giving reverent honor to God .”
Is THAT how you ’ d define your VBS worship ? Is THAT how you ’ d define the song you sing on Sunday ? Is THAT what you ’ re prayerfully seeking for camp this summer ?
May every song …
May every teaching moment … May every worship leader … May every adult room monitor / buddy / servant leader / team member … Help kids fall in love with Jesus one song at a time .
© 2024 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music helps kids fall in love with Jesus one song at a time . Yancy authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ” to help your church raise every generation to be worshipers . She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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