Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 38

Charity Gayle and her husband Ryan sat down with Loop Community Founder Matt McCoy to talk about their latest album , songwriting and more !
[ Matt ] Tell us about your new album Rejoice !
[ Charity ] This one is special . It ’ s been a project of the heart and soul for a few years . I had a cancer scare a few years ago . There are songs on the album that I can literally point back to where we saw the Lord working . It got out of our control , but it became in the Lord ’ s control . This album is called Rejoice and what I love about it is that we ’ re rejoicing even in the midst of the storm . The Scripture says , “ Rejoice in the Lord always , and again I say rejoice ”. I found out a couple months later that I don ’ t have cancer , praise God , but we ended up with a song that became the landmark of that season and it ’ s called “ Report of the Lord ”. It ’ s a very uplifting album but uplifting from a place of maybe you don ’ t know where the Lord is taking you .
[ Ryan ] What ’ s so awesome about this record , I think sometimes when we say the word rejoice it can feel flippant . We ’ ll say , “ hey just rejoice ” and it ’ s like okay but we do actually walk through stuff . We were in the NICU with our son , and it ’ s not like , “ Hey just rejoice ”. But the Scripture says rejoice “ in the Lord ” always . So my situation might not always be constant , but the Lord is constant . I can rejoice in the fact that He ’ s steadfast and able , He ’ s healer . I rejoice in the Lord in all seasons . So many of the songs in the album came out of our own lives . He birthed these anthems that we used in our own life .
[ Matt ] How often are you songwriting ? What does a normal week look like for you ?
[ Charity ] Every week is a little different . We ’ re living a completely walk by faith lifestyle . Some weeks are touring on the road full time , some weeks are just at home working on Gather House stuff . We write with our friends . I ’ ve been pregnant for like two years and we ’ ve been taking advantage of the time off to bring in people to write with us .
[ Ryan ] We ’ re always getting moments of songs as the Lord speaks , but we have to be very intentional about sitting down and setting aside time to finish songs . Every quarter or half a year , we ’ ll get all our favorite writers together . Sometimes we ’ ll be together for four days and get 20 songs .
[ Matt ] You ’ re at a lot of different churches . What is the state of the church in 2024 that you ’ re seeing ?
[ Charity ] I love this question . I am so hopeful at what I see . I see people yearning after authenticity . It ’ s amazing when you get a body of believers together . When we ’ re able to experience the presence of God together we ’ re seeing amazing things . The church is waking up . The church is praying and seeking after His Kingdom first which is what we ’ re supposed to do . I think it ’ s beautiful .
Watch the full interview below !
Be sure to listen to Charity ’ s new album Rejoice wherever you stream music . The multitracks are available on LoopCommunity . com !
Matt McCoy Matt is a worship leader , songwriter and Ableton Certified Trainer from Chicago , IL . He has been using Ableton and tracks in worship since 2002 . He ’ s passionate about creating new products and teaching worship leaders and artists how to use technology in live performance . www . LoopCommunity . com 38 May 2024 Subscribe for Free ...