Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 22

“ We ’ ll go for two years ”. So , we came over here to work for somebody , an artist that I ’ d toured a lot very successfully . He let me go after two months . And so , we lived by faith and had six kids at the time , with another one coming .
I basically saw the miraculous every week and I will never forget it . It ’ s the greatest gift I ’ ve ever been given , other than Helen . It moved me from lukewarm to passionate . And then two years after we arrived , we ’ d signed a deal with Eddie DeGarmo . We were about to sign a deal with Word Records and on the day we ’ d come to sign , they pulled out . Six months after that , Eddie DeGarmo came along and his band DeGarmo and Key , as you might remember , they were the support band for Amy Grant in the early days . So he knew that connection that a female could have with a wider audience . So Eddie signed Rebecca ( St . James ), and for the next 20 years she had a pretty wonderful career .
But my own personal testimony is that the hardest season of my life is the best season . I can say , and I want to say it loudly to anybody , because when I was weak , it ’ s emotional for me to say this , when I was weak , He was strong . I think I was put through that season ; I was put through the season of losing everything to grow . And had I not lost everything we would ’ ve stayed in Australia and there ’ d probably been no Rebecca St . James , there ’ d be no For King & Country . So as you know Alex , God works in mysterious ways …
[ WM ] Well , was the idea for the movie something that others suggested to you , or did family members discuss it over time ? Did you call a family meeting ? What ’ s the backstory ? I know , I remember For King & Country of course did release the song and a video a couple of years ago , Unsung Hero , but what ’ s the other stuff behind all of it ?
[ David ] It started in the middle of Covid . Luke had been sharing our story in his Compassion message for maybe 10 years and we ended up having fellowship with a producer out of L . A . by the name of Steve Barnett . And so , in the middle of Covid three and a half years ago , we went to middle America somewhere , had a meeting with Steve , Joel , Luke , myself , Steve ’ s partner , and Helen , and we started talking about it and they came back to us six months later and said , Hey , we want to do this . Gave us a contract committed to a $ 6 million budget . So we thought , okay , it ’ s all go . Then when we went to them the year before last ( middle of the year ) and said , “ Hey , now ’ s the only time we can do it ”. They said , “ Oh , we can ’ t do it at this time ”.
We ’ ve got another movie , but we can do it next year . And we said , “ Well , we can ’ t do it next year ”. So they sold us back the rights and then over time we went and filmed a movie up
22 May 2024 Subscribe for Free ...