Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 14

say revival .” What else God we ’ re praying for , fill the blank . And I just felt so strongly in a way it was my Jericho .
I hit this wall and I read Joshua chapter six last year , and the thing that was so poignant to me was that before the command was even given to march around the city , the angel of the Lord says , “ Behold , I have already given you the city ”. And that to hit me like a ton of bricks . They didn ’ t need to step into breakthrough . What they needed to step into was agreement with the Word that the walls are already going to fall . You ’ ve just got to step out in faith an expectation that his Word is true , his Word is final . We are not witnessing like an ongoing fight between good and evil . We are not waiting to see who ’ s going to come out on top , Jesus or the devil . We know that the victory is His and this world is His . battle . And I just needed to remind myself , and that was my Jericho of just praying for revival . I ’ m going to choose to step into agreement that this world is yours and therefore the direction that is heading , I rebuke it . And that the walls of Jericho proverbially are going to fall and that revival , we are going to see it again . We are going to see a move of God again . And so choosing to lean into faith for that , and that kind of is where this song was born .
[ WM ] That ’ s great . Well , it ’ s not just about good songs is it ? It ’ s about the presence of God . Years ago , when I was running Vineyard Music in Anaheim , I invited my Scottish friend Ian White to come by and do our Tuesday morning worship time and devotions for the staff . I will never forget this . My staff was around 55 people at the time . There was some resentment from certain staff because he wasn ’ t from the Vineyard . He was an outsider coming in to lead worship . But I ’ ll never forget this . Ian pulled his guitar out , and with one strum they broke down weeping , It was a heavy duty moment . The presence of God entered the room .
So , in reference to what you were just talking about in the previous question , I really like your song “ American Dream .” You ’ re correct , our faith is much more than white picket fences , homes under the stars and American flags . And I ’ m afraid much of the church has forgotten this . What can you tell us about this song ?
When I look at the media , when I look at the state of the world , it feels like we ’ re in a losing
“ American Dream ”
[ Alex ] Oh man , it is funny . I wrote that song at the end of 2020 . I don ’ t need to elaborate on
14 May 2024 Subscribe for Free ...