Worship Musician Magazine May 2023 | Page 8

[ WM ] 20th Anniversary Review // The First Decade
Rick Muchow Mar / Apr 2004
Matt Redman May / June 2004
Chris Tomlin Sept / Oct 2004
“ This might sound cliché ’ but I put God first . I try to make sure I have my personal relationship developing with Him . After that is my family . I try and make it home every night for dinner and help take the kids to school and all that stuff . Then after that would be the ministry . I put prayer and Bible study first and make sure I get that done , and then I start plunking out all the things that are the priorities .”
“ Worship is all-consuming because God is all-deserving . So , we live our lives eager to breathe every breath , think every thought , and do every deed for the glory of God . Worship music is only one tiny piece of the pie , but it is a really important piece . Singing is a sign of spiritual life , it ’ s a mark of healthy souls whose hearts are overflowing because they ’ ve seen the beauty of God .”
“ When you go to church , you have a whole gamut . You have people that don ’ t believe in God , people that are struggling in their marriages … They really don ’ t care that you ’ re on the radio or that you travel and play . They need something from God . It ’ s so good because it is real life . These people have real needs , and I just want to lead then to Jesus in a pure way . It ’ s really and truly not about me , and that is really emphasized in the local church .”
Rick was the most encouraging worship leader I ever met . He would call me out of the blue just to tell me how much he liked what I was doing with the magazine . We lost him to heaven a few years back … what a man .
If you look up the word “ genuine ” in the dictionary there is a photo of Matt Redman . He has been so kind to me over the years and is even more so the last several years now that he lives on the West Coast .
Chris actually wrote for us when we first launched the magazine too . I first met him as a concert promoter when he was the opening act for a Delirious tour through the Northwest . He has consistently been there for us as a magazine . Solid guy .
8 May 2023 Subscribe for Free ...