Worship Musician Magazine May 2023 | Page 60

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash
Some guitarists get up front and strum their guitars to start a worship service or a concert , and they speak while they strum . It might look easy , but when some people try it , they realize what a juggling act it can be . Today , I ’ ve got some solid tips to help you achieve the delicate balance of strumming and speaking . accompanying instructional video , while it ’ s available . This will allow you to see and hear me demonstrating several of these strategies .
You can find the video right now at this link : www . guitarsuccess4U . com / strumspeak
DIVIDE AND CONQUER The most important over-arching principle I want you to consider is the concept of “ Divide and Conquer .” If we ’ re strumming chords and speaking , we ’ re really doing three things . We ’ ve got 1 ) a strumming pattern , 2 ) a chord or progression , and 3 ) some spoken words .
As a worship leader and performer ( which I consider to be two totally different musical offerings with different postures ), I think it can be an elegant gesture to bring people into a song set with strumming AND speaking .
I highly recommend watching the
I think there ’ s great wisdom in learning chords out of tempo first , and then to introduce strumming – but – wait for it , without chords just yet . I literally recommend doing the “ washboard ” thing where I mute my strings with my fretting hand , and just strum . 60 May 2023 Subscribe for Free ...