Worship Musician Magazine May 2023 | Page 36

photo by City Church CA on Unsplash
“ I wish my church didn ’ t love to sing so much .”
Said no worship leader . Ever .
Most worship leaders are discontent when it comes to their congregation ’ s participation in worship . And that ’ s a good thing . However , wanting your church to sing more and getting your church to sing more feel like they ’ re located in two different galaxies far , far away .
If you ’ ve ever worked at cultivating participation in worship , it can feel like an impossible task :
• You have pockets of people who sing wholeheartedly .
• Then there are a majority of others who sing … sort of . Occasionally they ’ ll light up on certain songs . Usually ones written before 1989 .
• And then there are a few ‘ worshipers ’ who look like they ’ re daring you to make them sing . Arms folded with an expression that looks like someone spit in their Frosted Mini Wheats that morning . It ’ s the Sunday worship version of Ted Lasso ’ s Roy Kent . “ Don ’ t even try to make me sing . Grrr …”
• If that gamut describes your church , I ’ m going to give you some practical steps to build the kind of culture where your people are not only engaged but captivated during worship .
And you might even get ol ’ Roy to come out of his grumpy funk .
We ’ ll dive into three proven tactics I used at my church and with our coaching clients to cultivate deeper participation in worship gatherings . And this isn ’ t just about getting your church to sing and worship more on just one Sunday . It ’ s about creating a culture of participation — and anticipation — for your weekend services .
Here are the three tactics to cultivate a culture of worship :
• Teach More
• Rotate Fewer
• Stop Sooner
Let ’ s break these down .
1 . TEACH MORE You need to teach your church the why , what , and how of Biblical worship — but do it appropriately , within the constraints of your usual worship set .
The last thing your senior pastor wants is for you to start preaching during your worship sets . But there ’ s a way you can teach regularly that , over time , will have a profound effect on your church . And your senior pastor won ’ t worry you ’ re trying to take their job .
I call it microdosing .
36 May 2023 Subscribe for Free ...