NOW HEAR THIS | Gerod Bass
Lamb of God ( Live ) The kickoff track is classic Redman with its easy-to-sing melodies and thematic focus on giving God total glory and honor in all we do . The four on the floor drums , electric guitars and flowing violins set the musical stage for a great opener for any worship service .
BETHEL Come Up Here “ Love Is This ” borrows phrases from the classic hymn , “ Nothing But The Blood ” as Redman and May Angeles poetically bring us back to the sacrifice of Jesus with a new and fresh perspective .
1 . The Praise is Yours 2 . Son of Suffering 3 . Lamb of God 4 . Amen ( Total Praise )/ Lamb of God
( Reprise ) 5 . Love is This 6 . Unconditional 7 . Halfway Empty 8 . Hallelujah Holy 9 . King of Calvary 10 . Praise God 11 . Even Still and Even So 12 . Heart of Worship
There are a few sure things in life and one of them is that songs written by Matt Redman are always well written and well received by the church at large . Redman is the author of some of the most loved songs in corporate worship such as “ The Heart of Worship ”, “ Blessed Be Your Name ” and “ 10,000 Reasons ”. It has been three years since we have had the pleasure of a full-length album from the legendary worship writer but his latest collection Lamb of God ( Live ) is a big twelve track ( 14 on the extended version ) collection of newly penned and previously released songs that longtime and new Redman fans will love and appreciate .
The title cut was co-written with Bethel ’ s David Funk and is a stirring call for believers to stand in awe at the foot of the cross . The chorus is sure to get stuck firmly in your head and heart and the warmth of Redman ’ s classic tenor mixed with floaty violins and rhythmic toms make this track standout .
The best song on the album is “ Son of Suffering ” which was released earlier this year as a single and has received plenty of airplay already . This dramatic foray into the sacrifice of Christ would be perfect for a Good Friday service or as a response to a time of confession as we are confidently reminded that we serve a God who knows about suffering and who invites us to lean on Him for every need .
Lamb of God ( Live ) is an unapologetically vertical album . Thematically focused on the cross and the hope that we have in the resurrected Lord , these are simple songs meant for a wide audience to worship both corporately and individually . If I was going to point out something that was a bit disappointing , it would be the mix which seemed a bit muddy for me personally , but Redman is still one of the great worship writers of our time and there are a bunch of great songs here .
1 . The Great Beyond 2 . Holy Forever 3 . Beauty 4 . Precious Blood 5 . Isn ’ t He Beautiful 6 . Surrounded By Holy 7 . I Am Your Beloved 8 . Time And Time Again 9 . Inheritance 10 . Our King Jesus ( Holy ) 11 . Come Up Here
In Matthew 28 , Jesus calls us to “ go and make disciples by baptizing in the name of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit ”. We are called to invite others into the knowledge of grace and hope that our God has for us . This invitation serves as the catalyst and thematic centerpiece of Bethel ’ s newest album , Come Up Here . The eleven-track album was recorded in the redwoods of Northern California and features the powerful vocals of Jenn and Brian Johnson leading the way as we are invited to see the magnificence of God ’ s glory and majesty .
“ The Great Beyond ” serves as an expansive and powerful opener as Amanda Cook joins Brian Johnson and the two powerfully remind listeners that we can be courageous and rely
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