Worship Musician Magazine May 2023 | Page 104

The decision has been made . You researched it . You thought about it . You prayed about it . You prayed some more . You ’ re really going to take that audition . The date is on your calendar .
What ’ s next ?
During my decades as a musician , I have been involved with most of the crucial aspects of auditions : judging applicants , preparing students , and personally auditioning for various positions .
Auditions exist in a variety of formats . Some ensembles might ask a candidate to participate in a low-pressure rehearsal while auditions for a major orchestra will often include a panel of judges with each candidate playing behind a screen anonymously . Some situations require applicants to submit auditions by audio or video recording .
Drawing on my experience , I have some suggestions that will smooth the path as you prepare and complete the audition process .
GATHERING INFO Reconnaissance to gain information before an important operation can assist soldiers with strategic planning , and a bit of surveillance can assist a musician in audition preparation . Whether you ’ re looking to join a worship team , a symphony orchestra , or a jazz quartet , plan to attend a service or performance and observe details such as the style of music , leadership , instrumentation , and attire . If distance or circumstances prevent you from in-person attendance , conduct your research online . You can learn plenty from the group ’ s website and social media accounts .
After conducting sufficient research , decide if you want the position . Would you join the group if you win the audition ? If it ’ s not a good fit , I recommend that you do not waste everyone ’ s time auditioning for a post that you would turn down when offered . If it ’ s truly a position that you would accept , get your hands on the audition materials as early as possible .
It is imperative that you get a thorough understanding of the music you will play and how the audition will be conducted .
• Is sheet music provided ?
• Are you required to play from memory ?
• Will you be playing with a click ?
• If there is a reference recording , should you play exactly what is on the recording or create an original part ?
• Is sight-reading on the audition ?
• Will you be playing alone , with a live ensemble , or with a recording ?
Upon receiving the audition materials , give them a thorough reading to make certain that you understand all the directions and details . If things are unclear , you must get clarification . Don ’ t guess ! Make a list of questions and contact the proper person . Try to get all your questions answered in a single contact . Avoid being a nuisance .
GETTING DOWN TO WORK “ I deeply regret over-preparing ,” said no audition-winner ever .
After obtaining the necessary materials and information , jump into practice mode .
If you are given audition material in the form of sheet music and / or audio recording , along with directions to play that exact part for the audition , make sure to do just that . Play the exact part ! Keep in mind that the evaluator ( s ) will be able to judge two crucial pieces of information from that one directive : 1 . Your willingness to follow directions . 2 . Your ability to play a part from reference materials .
Creating a part could be a component of the audition . Lean toward creating something simple and suitable rather than technical and flashy . Demonstrate your ability to write something that fits the character of the song and enhances the instrumentation .
Is a click track included in your audition ? Make sure to work on your click accuracy . Your ability to align your part with the click might be a deciding factor with the evaluator ( s ). Check out Carl Albrecht ’ s excellent article , “ Getting Back To The Click Track ” in the March 2023 issue of [ WM ] Worship Musician .
Be very meticulous with your practice and study of the audition material . Attention to tiny details and subtle musical nuances can be the determinant .
Consider enlisting the aid of a teacher . Investing in a few coaching sessions will provide a set of critical ears along with expert instruction .
Practice sight-reading . Yes , you can improve .
Record yourself . Keep practicing , evaluating , correcting , improving , and recording until you genuinely like what you ’ re hearing . Practice that version until you have it ingrained in your brain and limbs .
Now that you ’ ve prepared the audition materials , what ’ s next ? We ’ ll cover that in the next issue .
© 2023 Mark Shelton Productions / Percussion For Worship
Mark Shelton Mark is a freelance musician , educational consultant , and content creator based in Dallas / Fort Worth . Performance credits include North Carolina Symphony , Tin Roof Tango , Daystar Singers & Band , Gateway Worship , Stonebriar Church , Wichita Falls Orchestra , Strata Big Band , TALEA , and Dallas Winds . www . marksheltonmusic . com percussionforworship . blogspot . com
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