Worship Musician Magazine May 2022 | Page 82

albums that are in the songwriting phase that are due to release later this year I think , so those will be fun to work on per usual . As far as my original music goes , I have had lots of ideas for projects I ’ d like to create but haven ’ t made the time yet . Recording an EP in the near future would be so fun , so we will see ! Other than that , I am focusing my time on Bethel Music trips / tours and working on creating lots more content and resources for guitar players . I just moved my studio out of my house into a bigger , vibey space downtown that will make my workflow much more efficient , and I brought on my fellow Bethel guitar player , Kenyon Reed , to work with me and help create more goodies , so I ’ m really pumped about that . Big things in the pipeline ! If you are interested in following along , subscribe to my website for updates and stay tuned !
[ WM ] Right on , I do follow you . What advice do you have for musicians , especially guitarists and producers , who want to get better at their craft - especially when it comes to serving at church with worship and music ?
[ David ] I would say never stop seeking to learn and never stop being teachable . The moment you are too proud to be teachable and learn something new or different from a peer is the moment you stunt your own growth . I am who I am today because of the sum of great and talented people that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years and learned from . Share your knowledge with others , put in the hours to grow in your craft ( it doesn ’ t just “ happen ”), stay inspired , have fun , stay humble , work hard , don ’ t get stuck in a box creatively , and be intentional with serving and with relationships , love God and follow His voice in your life and you can ’ t lose .
[ WM ] Well said , thank you for your time David !
[ David ] Thank you for yours Jemm !
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