It ’ s almost summer which means before you know it , you ’ ll be busy with all kinds of summer events . With each of those whether it ’ s a Vacation Bible School , Backyard Bible Club or kids camp you ’ ll likely be introducing some new music . Now is a great time to slip some of those new songs you ’ ll be introducing this summer into your pre / post service playlist . Allow for those songs to be heard so that they will sound familiar in another month or two when you ’ re teaching them the new song in person . You don ’ t have to announce it or draw attention to it just play the song on your playlist and let it be heard . The song and potentially even the melody and lyrics will soak into their subconscious . Then , when you ’ re introducing the song this summer it won ’ t be something they ’ ve never heard but some of your kids will think “ I ’ ve heard this before .” “ This sounds familiar .” Or even “ I love this song !”
Another great way to introduce new songs without them knowing you ’ re introducing new songs is to build a playlist of songs for your kid ’ s ministry . You may decide to update it monthly , quarterly , by the seasons or something else that works for you . The idea is here is to help parents push play on songs that you want their kids to hear and know . It could be a blend of songs you ’ re currently using in worship , songs that go along with what you ’ re teaching , favorite songs from last summer ’ s events and don ’ t forget to include some of the big songs of focus that you ’ ll be introducing this summer .
Number one , this is a low-cost resource you can give your families . In fact , the only cost for you is the time it takes to build the playlist and link it to a QR code . You can make a slide with a QR code that is on your announcement loop . You can have it on the screen as parents pick up their children . You can include the QR code and some simple text about it on the take home papers from class . You could even print stickers to stick on those take home papers or crafts . Include a link in emails and social media . Send a text with a link . Whatever forms of communication you ’ re already using to reach the parents in your ministry , add this playlist to that . Encourage families to be intentional with those many car rides they take all week long to school , sports , on vacation or wherever they go . Music is a great unifier . Help them put praise on the lips of their family all the days of the week .
I ’ d suggest at least Spotify or if you want , add in Apple Music and YouTube . You can use a site like Linkfire . com to help you generate one URL to go to the multiple options . Again , you can modify it as often as works for you . That means you may add one song , add a few , take away some . All you need is little , small moves , to make it feel fresh . But don ’ t forget to use this playlist to help you win on stage during your events by allowing the unfamiliar to become familiar . It may be a new song to you leading it in class for worship , but it doesn ’ t ’ mean it has to be a song that no one in your church has heard before . When you allow them to start hearing it and singing along around town in the weeks ahead of time it only helps you . Of course , not every family will take advantage of this free resource you ’ re giving them . ( Yes , their own user account allows them to access the music in your playlist whether they have a free or paid account .) But , what if 50 % of your families did . That means half of your VBS kids will come in having heard your theme song before . That ’ s huge for increasing participation .
Another tip for introducing new songs is to find an extra way to play or even lead the song that first day . Do it again as you ’ re getting ready to dismiss . Play it as they transition from large group to small group . Lead it as parents come through to pick up their kids . The repetition of the extra time is the equivalent of using it another weekend . The repeat will add up in a big way to helping more of the kids be familiar and catch on to the song . Why ? So that they will be more comfortable and ready to engage , participate and worship with the song .
We ’ re not in the business of performing and getting an ovation at the end . We are conduits to help them participate in the time of worship . Let ’ s remove every distraction we can and use all the resources we have access to in order to help them sing and be engaged in giving worship to the Father !
© 2022 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . She recently authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com