What joy when you discover a useful tool , handy device , or problem-solving invention that works as advertised and doesn ’ t cost you a shoebox full of money ! The following items definitely fit into the highly-helpful , low-cost category . The prices listed are approximate and will vary according to the dealer and / or brand .
GAP CLICK More than a conventional metronome , Gap Click helps you improve your time-keeping skills . This inexpensive app allows you to insert a gap in which the click goes silent and challenges you to maintain the tempo until the click returns . Gap Click passes the Mark Shelton Intuitive Test , so be confident you will have the app up and running within moments after installing . Available on iOS and Android . $ 3
MOLESKIN Although it is intended for use as a foot cushioning product , moleskin has been used by percussionists for decades . The adhesivebacked sheet of flannel can be easily trimmed to various shapes .
• Wrap a strip of moleskin around the head of a xylophone mallet to soften the attack .
• Cut a circular piece and stick it to the striking surface of a chimes hammer to lessen the contact sound .
• Place a patch of moleskin on the kick drum head where the beater makes contact to protect against wear and tear . $ 6
NEXCARE ABSOLUTE WATERPROOF TAPE Pounding away on the djembe and congas can take a toll on your hands . To protect my epidermis while slamming my paws on hand drums , my go-to protection is Nexcare Absolute Waterproof Tape . This product has a light cushioning that protects your skin without interfering with proper tone production and technique . $ 4
MOONGEL DAMPER PADS Felt strips , duct tape , o-rings , internal tone controls ? How about laying your wallet on the head of a snare drum ? How many things have you tried in your quest to dampen unwanted frequencies and / or control sustain on percussion instruments ?
Inexpensive and easy to apply , Moongel strips are a popular method for taming bothersome frequencies and undesirable ringing . The pads
With Moongel properly positioned for a smooth snare tone , Clark grabs his multi-percussion sticks and launches into a tasty groove .