knobs , until something sounds right .
[ WM ] Added to your resume is an instructor at the Bethel Music Worship School in the Keyboard Track portion . Can you do a quick overview of what you have planned for your students ?
[ Nick ] Yes ! This class is going to be software focused , so it will be less of technique / chords , and more on how to use Ableton Live to play keys in a worship setting . We ’ ll do an overview of the basics of Ableton Live , and then move into how to use the features in Ableton to create a working keys template with piano and pads . I ’ ll probably do some practical demonstrations of how I would use specific sounds for certain songs , and how to play in spontaneous parts of worship sets . We ’ ll also talk on sound design , how to create sounds from scratch , and lastly , we ’ ll talk on using tracks and cues .
[ WM ] What have been some highlights for you from past courses you ' ve taught ?
[ Nick ] My favorite part of my track is talking on sound design . I think that ’ s what I ’ m most passionate about . I love being able to take complex synth concepts like ADSR , LFOs and envelopes , and break that down to make it easy and practical for playing keys in a worship setting .
[ WM ] What things have you learned or been inspired by while teaching ?
[ Nick ] I think something I ’ ve been inspired by is how excited people become when they see what using Ableton Live could look like for their worship team , and how easy it is to “ upgrade ” their church sound using software .
[ WM ] As a player and teacher could you give us what might be your Top Three concepts for being a worship keys player ?
[ Nick ] First would be applicable to any band member , but learning parts to songs is super helpful . This includes having the correct tones and presets for each song .
Second would be developing the ability to play in spontaneous moments . This might be the most important one , as worship isn ’ t just playing through songs , but leading people in worship . This involves moments where there is no playbook ; you ’ ve already played through the arrangement of the song , but it ’ s not time to switch to the next song just yet . As a keys player , being able to feel out what to play in those moments is critical .
Third would be developing a relationship with the leaders and band . The better you know the people on your team , the easier it will be to play in those spontaneous moments . Where there ’ s relationship , there ’ s a space available to take risks and try things out musically .