We ' re trying to help people find Jesus here in Hollywood . And yeah , it forms everything that we do .
Mariah said , “ I was that person ”. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico . And about 10 years ago , I moved to L . A . pursuing music on my own . And I said this out loud to my wife , I said , “ I ’ m never going to do worship . I never want to be part of a worship team . I love God , but I ' m not sure about church .” I moved to L . A . to be a rock star and little did I know , the more that I started coming to Mosaic , I started becoming more connected in the community . God changed my heart . And I moved from being someone who had so much apathy and so bitter towards God and the church , that I became someone who now loves this so much . I cannot imagine my life without Mosaic .
[ WM ] “ This is How I Thank the Lord ” is a great song for churches to adapt into their worship times . What can you tell us about it ?
This is How I Thank the Lord [ Mariah ] This song , like what Carlos was saying earlier , this song we wrote the first time we came together after probably six to eight months of being apart . And it was pretty surprising . It was just one of those songs that we didn ' t expect . And it ' s such a sweet song . But it wasn ' t from everything going great . We ' ve been talking about this song a lot and what I ' ve realized is a lot of times our gratitude is situational . We ' re grateful because we prayed for this , and we got it . Or life is going so well , and I just want to tell God , I ' m thankful .
But we don ' t usually think about being grateful when things really are not going our way , or when a door slams in our face or when a prayer isn ' t answered or when things less than ideal are going on in our lives .
And that ' s very much what was happening with us . It was less than ideal situations , not just with everything that was going on , but in our own personal lives beyond our collective experience . And so , it was more than just a situational gratitude . It was a very difficult worked for gratitude . And I think that , we talk a lot about behind the scenes , just songs we feel like a lot of times are asking God for stuff . God give me this , or God give me this . And it ' s very , I want to take these things from you . I want you to give me these things , but we try a lot to posture ourselves to how do we just give thanks . And how do we give in the words that we sing ?
And so this was the posture of that song . It wasn ' t about anything good that happened to us , except for being in a relationship to Jesus . And it ' s very instructional in a way , it ' s very practical in a way . It is literally saying , this is how you do it . In all the difficulty and all of us own