running the computer , Zoro recut the drums , and they were synced up to the Dropbox . It was pretty awesome .
It was a really fun hang . It was me , Norm Stockton on bass , Zoro , and Roman Vysochin on keys . I really wanted it to be guys who are good friends , the hang is great , really encouraging , fun setting and really great players . And then to try to really let that musicality be the core of it . So that was kind of the thinking behind it .
And then Seth and I ended up writing a good bit as well to either augment the songs I already had , or we even wrote some new ones .
[ WM ] Wow , that ' s great ! Now with the world of being a touring artist , you always hope for one of your songs to take off on Christian radio . What is one song you think is going to do well on radio ? And what ' s one song that you kind of hope doesn ' t get overlooked on this album ?
[ Lincoln ] I have no idea what will work , what won ' t work , if anything . You ' ve known me long enough . So , I honestly stay out of that stuff . With life in general , trying to not have a grip on things we have zero control over is really healthy . So I know it ' s not in my hand . It ' s not within my control . All I can control is trying to make music that I believe in , and whatever happens , happens with it . So I have no idea . The first single is " Move ," which I think is an absolute blast of a song .
[ WM ] It is . It ' s got a pop sensibility to it as well .
[ Lincolnn ] Yeah , yeah ! If people read the lyric to that song , just the chorus lyric . You could put that to slow music . Even prior to 2020 , there was some rough things going on in my life , and singing that chorus , " Miracles happen when you move ," at the end was really encouraging to me when I was cutting the vocal . It was like , " That ' s really true . I need God to come in and intervene in my situation . Because when that happens , that ' s when hope happens and miracles happen ."
That ' s a fun track . I think my favorite track on the record is one called " If Not for Christ ," which interestingly , I don ' t even play guitar on that song . It sounds a little more hymn-esque . And I wrote it with Mitch Wong , just a dear buddy of mine . Part of the reason I really like that song is I think the contrast between the verse and chorus is something to note for people to kind of go , " I can acknowledge X , Y , and Z about who I am in my life , and not understanding certain things , while also holding this really powerful truth ."
And they ' re really meant to go together . I think sometimes in Christianity , we can get this idea that it ' s , " Boy , if I just get myself cleaned up , then I ' ll go to church ." It ' s so counter to the gospel , and certainly , to the " come as you are " gospel , which I think that ' s the Jesus gospel .
And so this song started as a journal entry of mine . The first verse of the song , literally word for word , no alterations , was a journal entry that I made that was never for anybody to see . I ended up reading it to Mitch because we were having a conversation about lives and challenges and struggles . He was like , " Oh my gosh , would you ever be up for writing a song with that ?" And I said , " Sure ." And so we ended up writing it , and he was just insistent that we not change a single phrase or word . And then the chorus was really a response to that . Then for verse two , I had to get back in the headspace I was in for verse one and write another really honest , transparent verse phrase . It fact , the second verse says , " Why do I struggle so with you beside me ?" The original version of that one was , " Is it wrong ? Is it wrong to struggle so with you beside me ?" But it wasn ' t coming out right when I sang it , so
we switched it to " Why do I ?" Can you imagine sitting at a fire pit with the Lord , just going , " Dude , you ' re right here . You ' re sitting right by me , and I still struggle inside . Like why is that ?" Just really honest thoughts .
And then the chorus moves to this " No longer dead . I am alive . The greatest gift , the highest price . Your love ran red to wash me white . Where would I be if not for Christ ?" It ' s really cool , so I just love the way that one came out .
[ WM ] Well , you sold me on this record . I ' m ready to get it . It sounds great .
[ Lincoln ] Awesome ! I hope people are encouraged by it . I hope that they feel a sense of hope . Honestly , I feel like the older I get , I ' ve started asking this question . What ' s really the key to solving the world ' s problems ? And questions like that . Questions like , " Whatever decision I ' m going to make , if everyone else did that decision , what would happen to the world ?" And it ' s informed how I live my life .
Then when it came to " What would solve the world ' s problems ?" I was like , " Perfect love . God ' s perfect love ." It transforms people , and it transforms how people treat people . And how we care for one another . And that we would extend each other grace and mercy . And especially in this season , understanding that none of us are at our best . Why would we be ? And that we would not judge everybody by their actions and ourselves by our intentions , but that we might give each other the benefit of the doubt and try to deescalate the raw emotion going on ? And that ' ll hopefully lead to some healing conversations and better ways to care for one another .
[ WM ] That is a profound thought there Lincoln . Thank you for your time here .
[ Lincoln ] Thank you !