pretty astounding !
I guess what I would say is I ' m happy with the tones I got in the past with modelers , and I ' m happy with the tones I ' m getting with these real amps and it ' s just a ton of fun .
[ WM ] Right on .
[ Lincoln ] I think that ' s one of the things that we can ' t underestimate is , do I enjoy what I ' m using ? I think at the point when you don ' t enjoy it anymore , it actually doesn ' t matter if it sounds good because you won ' t sound good through it if you ' re not inspired .
So for me , it was just getting inspired again and going , " Oh , man . I remember changing tubes and checking tubes to see if they ' re funky , and each amp sounds a little different ." So , I ' ve been having a ball with it .
But now I look forward to taking on the challenge of taking my speaker cab collection ... I ' ve probably got twenty-some cabinets now that are awesome , including my original Steve Perry cabinet , which sounds unbelievable ... And making those available to people with their units that , obviously , anyone with a Kemper will be able to take my sounds exactly for that music and have those .
[ WM ] That ' s exciting that we can get your Impulse Responses ( IRs ). I ' m looking forward to that ! I ' ve been playing guitar for a long time ( decades ) and I might not be the best guitarist , but I think I enjoy playing guitar more than anybody else I know . And that ' s the best part of it . You know what I mean ?
[ Lincoln ] Yeah , I remember being in the studio during the Steve Perry days and working with really great producers . And it was always a good performance . That ' s what ' s going to speak , is the performance .
There ' s a song on Steve Perry ' s album called , " Somewhere There ' s Hope ." And this is no joke ... we got in the studio ... I tried to re-cut the guitar . I think we did some pre-production demos in our rehearsal room . Literally did them on ... I want to say it was some 8-track machine . It might ' ve been an ADAT . I don ' t even know if it was an ADAT . Through some little , tiny mixer .
So we ' re just doing quick pre-production demos to get general arrangements . And I played the