Worship Musician Magazine May 2021 | Page 50

[ Yancy ] I am so excited to chat with you and tell our readers about Worship Together Kids . Tell us about the mission of Worship Together Kids and what you provide for churches ?
[ Terryl Padilla ] We create engaging content for kids and parents , built on worship songs impacting the church today . Our goal is to create moments and conversations around these songs both at church and home .
[ Yancy ] Congrats on the new album No Reason To Wait . I love the fresh take on many popular worship song favorites . What are things you consider and include when making a worship song arrangement for kids ?
[ Terryl ] Thank you ! We are really excited to finally have it out and available for everyone . We made a decision early on to not shy away from the worship songs that have theological depth . We actually wanted our kids singing worship songs that they have to " stretch " to learn . It opens up great conversations and teaching moments . Plus , there is no junior Holy Spirit , right ? We want the full gospel message of these songs to impact our kids the same way they impact us .
As we arrange , we are looking at the key and vocal range of the song . Some of these songs have massive ranges that are hard for kids to sing ! So , picking the right key is important to us . Beyond that , we like having fun in worship and want our songs to reflect that joy !
[ Yancy ] Why do you believe it ’ s important for kids to sing out powerful truths such as “ Way Maker ”, “ Raise a Hallelujah ” and “ Tremble ”?
[ Terryl ] It ' s so easy to forget that our kids in our ministries are dealing with big stuff . We can easily fall into a belief that their biggest
Terryl Padilla
problems are nightmares , boo-boos , and fights with friends . While that all is very true ( and a big deal for a kid ) we also have to recognize that our culture is forcing our kids to grow up at an accelerated rate . The percentage of kids dealing with anxiety and depression is on the rise , while the average age of exposure to harmful things on the internet is dropping lower and lower . Add in the tensions they pick up on from parents and the things their friends are discussing at school ; we as the Church have a huge task in front of us .
The most important thing we can do to step into this spiritual fight is to teach them how to sing these truths over themselves . One of our absolute favorites when leading kid ’ s worship is to teach what " Raise a Hallelujah " means along with teaching the truth of Proverbs 18:21 . " The tongue has the power of life and death ." We can create life with a capital “ L ” when we sing out powerful truths together like " You make the darkness tremble " and " You never stop working ".
[ Yancy ] Yes , I love that . I get chill bumps thinking about it . There is so much power in our worship and specifically the power of kids
worshipping . I love that your passionate about training them up to sing out such powerful truth ’ s over their lives and spirit .
What challenge would you give someone to become more intentional about how they are leading kids in worship ?
[ Terryl ] Such a good question ! How would you prepare if your pastor asked you to lead a really special service with three times the amount of kids that you normally have ? Ask the Holy Spirit what He wants you to speak on in between songs , be intentional with the spiritual preparation , and believe that this Sunday will become a lifelong memory for a child . Always come expectant of what God will do , and ask Him how He can use you to impact the next generation every time you lead .
[ Yancy ] Amen ! If you could give one practical piece of advice to kids worship leaders what would you say ?
[ Terryl ] Be direct when you lead . Explain lines that might be confusing , and tell the kids exactly what you need in each moment . Also , make sure to chat with your kids outside of
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